Class TdApi.UserTypeUnknown

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.UserTypeUnknown extends TdApi.UserType
No information on the user besides the user identifier is available, yet this user has not been deleted. This object is extremely rare and must be handled like a deleted user. It is not possible to perform any actions on users of this type.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • UserTypeUnknown

      public UserTypeUnknown()
      No information on the user besides the user identifier is available, yet this user has not been deleted. This object is extremely rare and must be handled like a deleted user. It is not possible to perform any actions on users of this type.
    • UserTypeUnknown

      public UserTypeUnknown(DataInput input) throws IOException
      No information on the user besides the user identifier is available, yet this user has not been deleted. This object is extremely rare and must be handled like a deleted user. It is not possible to perform any actions on users of this type.
  • Method Details