Class TdApi.GroupCallJoinResponseCandidate

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.GroupCallJoinResponseCandidate
extends TdApi.Object
Describes a join response candidate for interaction with tgcalls.
  • Field Details

    • port

      public String port
      Value of the field port.
    • protocol

      public String protocol
      Value of the field protocol.
    • network

      public String network
      Value of the field network.
    • generation

      public String generation
      Value of the field generation.
    • id

      public String id
      Value of the field id.
    • component

      public String component
      Value of the field component.
    • foundation

      public String foundation
      Value of the field foundation.
    • priority

      public String priority
      Value of the field priority.
    • ip

      public String ip
      Value of the field ip.
    • type

      public String type
      Value of the field type.
    • tcpType

      public String tcpType
      Value of the field tcpType.
    • relAddr

      public String relAddr
      Value of the field relAddr.
    • relPort

      public String relPort
      Value of the field relPort.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • GroupCallJoinResponseCandidate

      public GroupCallJoinResponseCandidate()
      Describes a join response candidate for interaction with tgcalls.
    • GroupCallJoinResponseCandidate

      public GroupCallJoinResponseCandidate​(String port, String protocol, String network, String generation, String id, String component, String foundation, String priority, String ip, String type, String tcpType, String relAddr, String relPort)
      Describes a join response candidate for interaction with tgcalls.
      port - String Value of the field port.
      protocol - String Value of the field protocol.
      network - String Value of the field network.
      generation - String Value of the field generation.
      id - String Value of the field id.
      component - String Value of the field component.
      foundation - String Value of the field foundation.
      priority - String Value of the field priority.
      ip - String Value of the field ip.
      type - String Value of the field type.
      tcpType - String Value of the field tcpType.
      relAddr - String Value of the field relAddr.
      relPort - String Value of the field relPort.
    • GroupCallJoinResponseCandidate

      public GroupCallJoinResponseCandidate​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details