Class TdApi.Audio

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.Audio extends TdApi.Object
Describes an audio file. Audio is usually in MP3 or M4A format.
  • Field Details

    • duration

      public int duration
      Duration of the audio, in seconds; as defined by the sender.
    • title

      public String title
      Title of the audio; as defined by the sender.
    • performer

      public String performer
      Performer of the audio; as defined by the sender.
    • fileName

      public String fileName
      Original name of the file; as defined by the sender.
    • mimeType

      public String mimeType
      The MIME type of the file; as defined by the sender.
    • albumCoverMinithumbnail

      public TdApi.Minithumbnail albumCoverMinithumbnail
      The minithumbnail of the album cover; may be null.
    • albumCoverThumbnail

      public TdApi.Thumbnail albumCoverThumbnail
      The thumbnail of the album cover in JPEG format; as defined by the sender. The full size thumbnail is supposed to be extracted from the downloaded file; may be null.
    • audio

      public TdApi.File audio
      File containing the audio.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Audio

      public Audio()
      Describes an audio file. Audio is usually in MP3 or M4A format.
    • Audio

      public Audio(int duration, String title, String performer, String fileName, String mimeType, TdApi.Minithumbnail albumCoverMinithumbnail, TdApi.Thumbnail albumCoverThumbnail, TdApi.File audio)
      Describes an audio file. Audio is usually in MP3 or M4A format.
      duration - int Duration of the audio, in seconds; as defined by the sender.
      title - String Title of the audio; as defined by the sender.
      performer - String Performer of the audio; as defined by the sender.
      fileName - String Original name of the file; as defined by the sender.
      mimeType - String The MIME type of the file; as defined by the sender.
      albumCoverMinithumbnail - Minithumbnail The minithumbnail of the album cover; may be null.
      albumCoverThumbnail - Thumbnail The thumbnail of the album cover in JPEG format; as defined by the sender. The full size thumbnail is supposed to be extracted from the downloaded file; may be null.
      audio - File File containing the audio.
    • Audio

      public Audio(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details