Class TdApi.BasicGroupFullInfo

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.BasicGroupFullInfo extends TdApi.Object
Contains full information about a basic group.
  • Field Details

    • photo

      public TdApi.ChatPhoto photo
      Chat photo; may be null.
    • description

      public String description
      Group description. Updated only after the basic group is opened.
    • creatorUserId

      public long creatorUserId
      User identifier of the creator of the group; 0 if unknown.
    • members

      public TdApi.ChatMember[] members
      Group members.
    • botCommands

      public TdApi.BotCommands[] botCommands
      List of commands of bots in the group.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BasicGroupFullInfo

      public BasicGroupFullInfo()
      Contains full information about a basic group.
    • BasicGroupFullInfo

      public BasicGroupFullInfo(TdApi.ChatPhoto photo, String description, long creatorUserId, TdApi.ChatMember[] members, TdApi.ChatInviteLink inviteLink, TdApi.BotCommands[] botCommands)
      Contains full information about a basic group.
      photo - ChatPhoto Chat photo; may be null.
      description - String Group description. Updated only after the basic group is opened.
      creatorUserId - long User identifier of the creator of the group; 0 if unknown.
      members - ChatMember[] Group members.
      inviteLink - ChatInviteLink Primary invite link for this group; may be null. For chat administrators with canInviteUsers right only. Updated only after the basic group is opened.
      botCommands - BotCommands[] List of commands of bots in the group.
    • BasicGroupFullInfo

      public BasicGroupFullInfo(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details