Class TdApi.GetLanguagePackStrings

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.GetLanguagePackStrings extends TdApi.Function<TdApi.LanguagePackStrings>
Returns strings from a language pack in the current localization target by their keys. Can be called before authorization.

Returns LanguagePackStrings

  • Field Details

    • languagePackId

      public String languagePackId
      Language pack identifier of the strings to be returned.
    • keys

      public String[] keys
      Language pack keys of the strings to be returned; leave empty to request all available strings.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • GetLanguagePackStrings

      public GetLanguagePackStrings()
      Returns strings from a language pack in the current localization target by their keys. Can be called before authorization.

      Returns LanguagePackStrings

    • GetLanguagePackStrings

      public GetLanguagePackStrings(String languagePackId, String[] keys)
      Returns strings from a language pack in the current localization target by their keys. Can be called before authorization.

      Returns LanguagePackStrings

      languagePackId - String Language pack identifier of the strings to be returned.
      keys - String[] Language pack keys of the strings to be returned; leave empty to request all available strings.
    • GetLanguagePackStrings

      public GetLanguagePackStrings(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details