Class TdApi.MessageCopyOptions

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.MessageCopyOptions extends TdApi.Object
Options to be used when a message content is copied without reference to the original sender. Service messages and messageInvoice can't be copied.
  • Field Details

    • sendCopy

      public boolean sendCopy
      True, if content of the message needs to be copied without reference to the original sender. Always true if the message is forwarded to a secret chat or is local.
    • replaceCaption

      public boolean replaceCaption
      True, if media caption of the message copy needs to be replaced. Ignored if sendCopy is false.
    • newCaption

      public TdApi.FormattedText newCaption
      New message caption; pass null to copy message without caption. Ignored if replaceCaption is false.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MessageCopyOptions

      public MessageCopyOptions()
      Options to be used when a message content is copied without reference to the original sender. Service messages and messageInvoice can't be copied.
    • MessageCopyOptions

      public MessageCopyOptions(boolean sendCopy, boolean replaceCaption, TdApi.FormattedText newCaption)
      Options to be used when a message content is copied without reference to the original sender. Service messages and messageInvoice can't be copied.
      sendCopy - boolean True, if content of the message needs to be copied without reference to the original sender. Always true if the message is forwarded to a secret chat or is local.
      replaceCaption - boolean True, if media caption of the message copy needs to be replaced. Ignored if sendCopy is false.
      newCaption - FormattedText New message caption; pass null to copy message without caption. Ignored if replaceCaption is false.
    • MessageCopyOptions

      public MessageCopyOptions(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details