Class TdApi.PhoneNumberInfo

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.PhoneNumberInfo extends TdApi.Object
Contains information about a phone number.
  • Field Details

    • country

      public TdApi.CountryInfo country
      Information about the country to which the phone number belongs; may be null.
    • countryCallingCode

      public String countryCallingCode
      The part of the phone number denoting country calling code or its part.
    • formattedPhoneNumber

      public String formattedPhoneNumber
      The phone number without country calling code formatted accordingly to local rules. Expected digits are returned as '-', but even more digits might be entered by the user.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PhoneNumberInfo

      public PhoneNumberInfo()
      Contains information about a phone number.
    • PhoneNumberInfo

      public PhoneNumberInfo(TdApi.CountryInfo country, String countryCallingCode, String formattedPhoneNumber)
      Contains information about a phone number.
      country - CountryInfo Information about the country to which the phone number belongs; may be null.
      countryCallingCode - String The part of the phone number denoting country calling code or its part.
      formattedPhoneNumber - String The phone number without country calling code formatted accordingly to local rules. Expected digits are returned as '-', but even more digits might be entered by the user.
    • PhoneNumberInfo

      public PhoneNumberInfo(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details