Class TdApi.ProfilePhoto

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.ProfilePhoto extends TdApi.Object
Describes a user profile photo.
  • Field Details

    • id

      public long id
      Photo identifier; 0 for an empty photo. Can be used to find a photo in a list of user profile photos.
    • small

      public TdApi.File small
      A small (160x160) user profile photo. The file can be downloaded only before the photo is changed.
    • big

      public TdApi.File big
      A big (640x640) user profile photo. The file can be downloaded only before the photo is changed.
    • minithumbnail

      public TdApi.Minithumbnail minithumbnail
      User profile photo minithumbnail; may be null.
    • hasAnimation

      public boolean hasAnimation
      True, if the photo has animated variant.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ProfilePhoto

      public ProfilePhoto()
      Describes a user profile photo.
    • ProfilePhoto

      public ProfilePhoto(long id, TdApi.File small, TdApi.File big, TdApi.Minithumbnail minithumbnail, boolean hasAnimation)
      Describes a user profile photo.
      id - long Photo identifier; 0 for an empty photo. Can be used to find a photo in a list of user profile photos.
      small - File A small (160x160) user profile photo. The file can be downloaded only before the photo is changed.
      big - File A big (640x640) user profile photo. The file can be downloaded only before the photo is changed.
      minithumbnail - Minithumbnail User profile photo minithumbnail; may be null.
      hasAnimation - boolean True, if the photo has animated variant.
    • ProfilePhoto

      public ProfilePhoto(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details