Class TdApi.ScopeNotificationSettings

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.ScopeNotificationSettings extends TdApi.Object
Contains information about notification settings for several chats.
  • Field Details

    • muteFor

      public int muteFor
      Time left before notifications will be unmuted, in seconds.
    • sound

      public String sound
      The name of an audio file to be used for notification sounds; only applies to iOS applications.
    • showPreview

      public boolean showPreview
      True, if message content must be displayed in notifications.
    • disablePinnedMessageNotifications

      public boolean disablePinnedMessageNotifications
      True, if notifications for incoming pinned messages will be created as for an ordinary unread message.
    • disableMentionNotifications

      public boolean disableMentionNotifications
      True, if notifications for messages with mentions will be created as for an ordinary unread message.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ScopeNotificationSettings

      public ScopeNotificationSettings()
      Contains information about notification settings for several chats.
    • ScopeNotificationSettings

      public ScopeNotificationSettings(int muteFor, String sound, boolean showPreview, boolean disablePinnedMessageNotifications, boolean disableMentionNotifications)
      Contains information about notification settings for several chats.
      muteFor - int Time left before notifications will be unmuted, in seconds.
      sound - String The name of an audio file to be used for notification sounds; only applies to iOS applications.
      showPreview - boolean True, if message content must be displayed in notifications.
      disablePinnedMessageNotifications - boolean True, if notifications for incoming pinned messages will be created as for an ordinary unread message.
      disableMentionNotifications - boolean True, if notifications for messages with mentions will be created as for an ordinary unread message.
    • ScopeNotificationSettings

      public ScopeNotificationSettings(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details