Class TdApi.SearchEmojis

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.SearchEmojis extends TdApi.Function<TdApi.Emojis>
Searches for emojis by keywords. Supported only if the file database is enabled.

Returns Emojis

  • Field Details

    • text

      public String text
      Text to search for.
    • exactMatch

      public boolean exactMatch
      True, if only emojis, which exactly match text needs to be returned.
    • inputLanguageCodes

      public String[] inputLanguageCodes
      List of possible IETF language tags of the user's input language; may be empty if unknown.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SearchEmojis

      public SearchEmojis()
      Searches for emojis by keywords. Supported only if the file database is enabled.

      Returns Emojis

    • SearchEmojis

      public SearchEmojis(String text, boolean exactMatch, String[] inputLanguageCodes)
      Searches for emojis by keywords. Supported only if the file database is enabled.

      Returns Emojis

      text - String Text to search for.
      exactMatch - boolean True, if only emojis, which exactly match text needs to be returned.
      inputLanguageCodes - String[] List of possible IETF language tags of the user's input language; may be empty if unknown.
    • SearchEmojis

      public SearchEmojis(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details