Class TdApi.SendPhoneNumberConfirmationCode

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.SendPhoneNumberConfirmationCode extends TdApi.Function<TdApi.AuthenticationCodeInfo>
Sends phone number confirmation code to handle links of the type internalLinkTypePhoneNumberConfirmation.

Returns AuthenticationCodeInfo

  • Field Details

    • hash

      public String hash
      Hash value from the link.
    • phoneNumber

      public String phoneNumber
      Phone number value from the link.
    • settings

      Settings for the authentication of the user's phone number; pass null to use default settings.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SendPhoneNumberConfirmationCode

      public SendPhoneNumberConfirmationCode()
      Sends phone number confirmation code to handle links of the type internalLinkTypePhoneNumberConfirmation.

      Returns AuthenticationCodeInfo

    • SendPhoneNumberConfirmationCode

      public SendPhoneNumberConfirmationCode(String hash, String phoneNumber, TdApi.PhoneNumberAuthenticationSettings settings)
      Sends phone number confirmation code to handle links of the type internalLinkTypePhoneNumberConfirmation.

      Returns AuthenticationCodeInfo

      hash - String Hash value from the link.
      phoneNumber - String Phone number value from the link.
      settings - PhoneNumberAuthenticationSettings Settings for the authentication of the user's phone number; pass null to use default settings.
    • SendPhoneNumberConfirmationCode

      public SendPhoneNumberConfirmationCode(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details