Class TdApi.UpdateChatLastMessage

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.UpdateChatLastMessage extends TdApi.Update
The last message of a chat was changed. If lastMessage is null, then the last message in the chat became unknown. Some new unknown messages might be added to the chat in this case.
  • Field Details

    • chatId

      public long chatId
      Chat identifier.
    • lastMessage

      public TdApi.Message lastMessage
      The new last message in the chat; may be null.
    • positions

      public TdApi.ChatPosition[] positions
      The new chat positions in the chat lists.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • UpdateChatLastMessage

      public UpdateChatLastMessage()
      The last message of a chat was changed. If lastMessage is null, then the last message in the chat became unknown. Some new unknown messages might be added to the chat in this case.
    • UpdateChatLastMessage

      public UpdateChatLastMessage(long chatId, TdApi.Message lastMessage, TdApi.ChatPosition[] positions)
      The last message of a chat was changed. If lastMessage is null, then the last message in the chat became unknown. Some new unknown messages might be added to the chat in this case.
      chatId - long Chat identifier.
      lastMessage - Message The new last message in the chat; may be null.
      positions - ChatPosition[] The new chat positions in the chat lists.
    • UpdateChatLastMessage

      public UpdateChatLastMessage(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details