static class
The message failed to be sent.
static class
The message is being sent now, but
has not yet been delivered to the server.
Information about the sending state
of the message; may be null.
Message(long id,
TdApi.MessageSender sender,
long chatId,
TdApi.MessageSendingState sendingState,
TdApi.MessageSchedulingState schedulingState,
boolean isOutgoing,
boolean isPinned,
boolean canBeEdited,
boolean canBeForwarded,
boolean canBeDeletedOnlyForSelf,
boolean canBeDeletedForAllUsers,
boolean canGetStatistics,
boolean canGetMessageThread,
boolean canGetViewers,
boolean canGetMediaTimestampLinks,
boolean hasTimestampedMedia,
boolean isChannelPost,
boolean containsUnreadMention,
int date,
int editDate,
TdApi.MessageForwardInfo forwardInfo,
TdApi.MessageInteractionInfo interactionInfo,
long replyInChatId,
long replyToMessageId,
long messageThreadId,
int ttl,
double ttlExpiresIn,
long viaBotUserId,
String authorSignature,
long mediaAlbumId,
String restrictionReason,
TdApi.MessageContent content,
TdApi.ReplyMarkup replyMarkup)