Class TdApi.ChatEventLogFilters

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.ChatEventLogFilters
extends TdApi.Object
Represents a set of filters used to obtain a chat event log.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    static int CONSTRUCTOR  
    boolean infoChanges
    True, if changes in chat information need to be returned.
    boolean inviteLinkChanges
    True, if changes to invite links need to be returned.
    boolean memberInvites
    True, if invited member events need to be returned.
    boolean memberJoins
    True, if members joining events need to be returned.
    boolean memberLeaves
    True, if members leaving events need to be returned.
    boolean memberPromotions
    True, if member promotion/demotion events need to be returned.
    boolean memberRestrictions
    True, if member restricted/unrestricted/banned/unbanned events need to be returned.
    boolean messageDeletions
    True, if message deletions need to be returned.
    boolean messageEdits
    True, if message edits need to be returned.
    boolean messagePins
    True, if pin/unpin events need to be returned.
    boolean settingChanges
    True, if changes in chat settings need to be returned.
    boolean voiceChatChanges
    True, if voice chat actions need to be returned.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Represents a set of filters used to obtain a chat event log.
    ChatEventLogFilters​(boolean messageEdits, boolean messageDeletions, boolean messagePins, boolean memberJoins, boolean memberLeaves, boolean memberInvites, boolean memberPromotions, boolean memberRestrictions, boolean infoChanges, boolean settingChanges, boolean inviteLinkChanges, boolean voiceChatChanges)
    Represents a set of filters used to obtain a chat event log.
    ChatEventLogFilters​(DataInput input)  
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean equals​(Object o)  
    int getConstructor()  
    int hashCode()  
    void serialize​(DataOutput output)  

    Methods inherited from class it.tdlight.jni.TdApi.Object

    serialize, toString

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • messageEdits

      public boolean messageEdits
      True, if message edits need to be returned.
    • messageDeletions

      public boolean messageDeletions
      True, if message deletions need to be returned.
    • messagePins

      public boolean messagePins
      True, if pin/unpin events need to be returned.
    • memberJoins

      public boolean memberJoins
      True, if members joining events need to be returned.
    • memberLeaves

      public boolean memberLeaves
      True, if members leaving events need to be returned.
    • memberInvites

      public boolean memberInvites
      True, if invited member events need to be returned.
    • memberPromotions

      public boolean memberPromotions
      True, if member promotion/demotion events need to be returned.
    • memberRestrictions

      public boolean memberRestrictions
      True, if member restricted/unrestricted/banned/unbanned events need to be returned.
    • infoChanges

      public boolean infoChanges
      True, if changes in chat information need to be returned.
    • settingChanges

      public boolean settingChanges
      True, if changes in chat settings need to be returned.
    • inviteLinkChanges

      public boolean inviteLinkChanges
      True, if changes to invite links need to be returned.
    • voiceChatChanges

      public boolean voiceChatChanges
      True, if voice chat actions need to be returned.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • ChatEventLogFilters

      public ChatEventLogFilters()
      Represents a set of filters used to obtain a chat event log.
    • ChatEventLogFilters

      public ChatEventLogFilters​(boolean messageEdits, boolean messageDeletions, boolean messagePins, boolean memberJoins, boolean memberLeaves, boolean memberInvites, boolean memberPromotions, boolean memberRestrictions, boolean infoChanges, boolean settingChanges, boolean inviteLinkChanges, boolean voiceChatChanges)
      Represents a set of filters used to obtain a chat event log.
      messageEdits - boolean True, if message edits need to be returned.
      messageDeletions - boolean True, if message deletions need to be returned.
      messagePins - boolean True, if pin/unpin events need to be returned.
      memberJoins - boolean True, if members joining events need to be returned.
      memberLeaves - boolean True, if members leaving events need to be returned.
      memberInvites - boolean True, if invited member events need to be returned.
      memberPromotions - boolean True, if member promotion/demotion events need to be returned.
      memberRestrictions - boolean True, if member restricted/unrestricted/banned/unbanned events need to be returned.
      infoChanges - boolean True, if changes in chat information need to be returned.
      settingChanges - boolean True, if changes in chat settings need to be returned.
      inviteLinkChanges - boolean True, if changes to invite links need to be returned.
      voiceChatChanges - boolean True, if voice chat actions need to be returned.
    • ChatEventLogFilters

      public ChatEventLogFilters​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details