Module tdlight.api

Class TdApi.MessagePaymentSuccessful

Enclosing class:

public static final class TdApi.MessagePaymentSuccessful extends TdApi.MessageContent
A payment has been completed.
  • Field Details

    • invoiceChatId

      public long invoiceChatId
      Identifier of the chat, containing the corresponding invoice message; 0 if unknown.
    • invoiceMessageId

      public long invoiceMessageId
      Identifier of the message with the corresponding invoice; can be 0 or an identifier of a deleted message.
    • currency

      public String currency
      Currency for the price of the product.
    • totalAmount

      public long totalAmount
      Total price for the product, in the smallest units of the currency.
    • isRecurring

      public boolean isRecurring
      True, if this is a recurring payment.
    • isFirstRecurring

      public boolean isFirstRecurring
      True, if this is the first recurring payment.
    • invoiceName

      public String invoiceName
      Name of the invoice; may be empty if unknown.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MessagePaymentSuccessful

      public MessagePaymentSuccessful()
      A payment has been completed.
    • MessagePaymentSuccessful

      public MessagePaymentSuccessful(long invoiceChatId, long invoiceMessageId, String currency, long totalAmount, boolean isRecurring, boolean isFirstRecurring, String invoiceName)
      A payment has been completed.
      invoiceChatId - long Identifier of the chat, containing the corresponding invoice message; 0 if unknown.
      invoiceMessageId - long Identifier of the message with the corresponding invoice; can be 0 or an identifier of a deleted message.
      currency - String Currency for the price of the product.
      totalAmount - long Total price for the product, in the smallest units of the currency.
      isRecurring - boolean True, if this is a recurring payment.
      isFirstRecurring - boolean True, if this is the first recurring payment.
      invoiceName - String Name of the invoice; may be empty if unknown.
    • MessagePaymentSuccessful

      public MessagePaymentSuccessful(DataInput input) throws IOException
      A payment has been completed.
  • Method Details