Class TdApi.SetBackground

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.SetBackground
extends TdApi.Function
Changes the background selected by the user; adds background to the list of installed backgrounds.

Returns Background

  • Field Details

    • background

      public TdApi.InputBackground background
      The input background to use. Pass null to create a new filled backgrounds. Pass null to remove the current background.
    • type

      public TdApi.BackgroundType type
      Background type. Pass null to use default type of the remote background. Pass null to remove the current background.
    • forDarkTheme

      public boolean forDarkTheme
      True, if the background is chosen for dark theme.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • SetBackground

      public SetBackground()
      Changes the background selected by the user; adds background to the list of installed backgrounds.

      Returns Background

    • SetBackground

      public SetBackground​(TdApi.InputBackground background, TdApi.BackgroundType type, boolean forDarkTheme)
      Changes the background selected by the user; adds background to the list of installed backgrounds.

      Returns Background

      background - InputBackground The input background to use. Pass null to create a new filled backgrounds. Pass null to remove the current background.
      type - BackgroundType Background type. Pass null to use default type of the remote background. Pass null to remove the current background.
      forDarkTheme - boolean True, if the background is chosen for dark theme.
    • SetBackground

      public SetBackground​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details