Class TdApi.Supergroup

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.Supergroup
extends TdApi.Object
Represents a supergroup or channel with zero or more members (subscribers in the case of channels). From the point of view of the system, a channel is a special kind of a supergroup: only administrators can post and see the list of members, and posts from all administrators use the name and photo of the channel instead of individual names and profile photos. Unlike supergroups, channels can have an unlimited number of subscribers.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    static int CONSTRUCTOR  
    int date
    Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the current user joined, or the point in time when the supergroup or channel was created, in case the user is not a member.
    boolean hasLinkedChat
    True, if the channel has a discussion group, or the supergroup is the designated discussion group for a channel.
    boolean hasLocation
    True, if the supergroup is connected to a location, i.e.
    long id
    Supergroup or channel identifier.
    boolean isBroadcastGroup
    True, if the supergroup is a broadcast group, i.e.
    boolean isChannel
    True, if the supergroup is a channel.
    boolean isFake
    True, if many users reported this supergroup or channel as a fake account.
    boolean isScam
    True, if many users reported this supergroup or channel as a scam.
    boolean isSlowModeEnabled
    True, if the slow mode is enabled in the supergroup.
    boolean isVerified
    True, if the supergroup or channel is verified.
    int memberCount
    Number of members in the supergroup or channel; 0 if unknown.
    String restrictionReason
    If non-empty, contains a human-readable description of the reason why access to this supergroup or channel must be restricted.
    boolean signMessages
    True, if messages sent to the channel should contain information about the sender.
    TdApi.ChatMemberStatus status
    Status of the current user in the supergroup or channel; custom title will be always empty.
    String username
    Username of the supergroup or channel; empty for private supergroups or channels.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Represents a supergroup or channel with zero or more members (subscribers in the case of channels).
    Supergroup​(long id, String username, int date, TdApi.ChatMemberStatus status, int memberCount, boolean hasLinkedChat, boolean hasLocation, boolean signMessages, boolean isSlowModeEnabled, boolean isChannel, boolean isBroadcastGroup, boolean isVerified, String restrictionReason, boolean isScam, boolean isFake)
    Represents a supergroup or channel with zero or more members (subscribers in the case of channels).
    Supergroup​(DataInput input)  
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean equals​(Object o)  
    int getConstructor()  
    int hashCode()  
    void serialize​(DataOutput output)  

    Methods inherited from class it.tdlight.jni.TdApi.Object

    serialize, toString

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • id

      public long id
      Supergroup or channel identifier.
    • username

      public String username
      Username of the supergroup or channel; empty for private supergroups or channels.
    • date

      public int date
      Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the current user joined, or the point in time when the supergroup or channel was created, in case the user is not a member.
    • status

      public TdApi.ChatMemberStatus status
      Status of the current user in the supergroup or channel; custom title will be always empty.
    • memberCount

      public int memberCount
      Number of members in the supergroup or channel; 0 if unknown. Currently it is guaranteed to be known only if the supergroup or channel was received through searchPublicChats, searchChatsNearby, getInactiveSupergroupChats, getSuitableDiscussionChats, getGroupsInCommon, or getUserPrivacySettingRules.
    • hasLinkedChat

      public boolean hasLinkedChat
      True, if the channel has a discussion group, or the supergroup is the designated discussion group for a channel.
    • hasLocation

      public boolean hasLocation
      True, if the supergroup is connected to a location, i.e. the supergroup is a location-based supergroup.
    • signMessages

      public boolean signMessages
      True, if messages sent to the channel should contain information about the sender. This field is only applicable to channels.
    • isSlowModeEnabled

      public boolean isSlowModeEnabled
      True, if the slow mode is enabled in the supergroup.
    • isChannel

      public boolean isChannel
      True, if the supergroup is a channel.
    • isBroadcastGroup

      public boolean isBroadcastGroup
      True, if the supergroup is a broadcast group, i.e. only administrators can send messages and there is no limit on number of members.
    • isVerified

      public boolean isVerified
      True, if the supergroup or channel is verified.
    • restrictionReason

      public String restrictionReason
      If non-empty, contains a human-readable description of the reason why access to this supergroup or channel must be restricted.
    • isScam

      public boolean isScam
      True, if many users reported this supergroup or channel as a scam.
    • isFake

      public boolean isFake
      True, if many users reported this supergroup or channel as a fake account.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • Supergroup

      public Supergroup()
      Represents a supergroup or channel with zero or more members (subscribers in the case of channels). From the point of view of the system, a channel is a special kind of a supergroup: only administrators can post and see the list of members, and posts from all administrators use the name and photo of the channel instead of individual names and profile photos. Unlike supergroups, channels can have an unlimited number of subscribers.
    • Supergroup

      public Supergroup​(long id, String username, int date, TdApi.ChatMemberStatus status, int memberCount, boolean hasLinkedChat, boolean hasLocation, boolean signMessages, boolean isSlowModeEnabled, boolean isChannel, boolean isBroadcastGroup, boolean isVerified, String restrictionReason, boolean isScam, boolean isFake)
      Represents a supergroup or channel with zero or more members (subscribers in the case of channels). From the point of view of the system, a channel is a special kind of a supergroup: only administrators can post and see the list of members, and posts from all administrators use the name and photo of the channel instead of individual names and profile photos. Unlike supergroups, channels can have an unlimited number of subscribers.
      id - long Supergroup or channel identifier.
      username - String Username of the supergroup or channel; empty for private supergroups or channels.
      date - int Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the current user joined, or the point in time when the supergroup or channel was created, in case the user is not a member.
      status - ChatMemberStatus Status of the current user in the supergroup or channel; custom title will be always empty.
      memberCount - int Number of members in the supergroup or channel; 0 if unknown. Currently it is guaranteed to be known only if the supergroup or channel was received through searchPublicChats, searchChatsNearby, getInactiveSupergroupChats, getSuitableDiscussionChats, getGroupsInCommon, or getUserPrivacySettingRules.
      hasLinkedChat - boolean True, if the channel has a discussion group, or the supergroup is the designated discussion group for a channel.
      hasLocation - boolean True, if the supergroup is connected to a location, i.e. the supergroup is a location-based supergroup.
      signMessages - boolean True, if messages sent to the channel should contain information about the sender. This field is only applicable to channels.
      isSlowModeEnabled - boolean True, if the slow mode is enabled in the supergroup.
      isChannel - boolean True, if the supergroup is a channel.
      isBroadcastGroup - boolean True, if the supergroup is a broadcast group, i.e. only administrators can send messages and there is no limit on number of members.
      isVerified - boolean True, if the supergroup or channel is verified.
      restrictionReason - String If non-empty, contains a human-readable description of the reason why access to this supergroup or channel must be restricted.
      isScam - boolean True, if many users reported this supergroup or channel as a scam.
      isFake - boolean True, if many users reported this supergroup or channel as a fake account.
    • Supergroup

      public Supergroup​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details