Class TdApi.InputInlineQueryResultGame

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.InputInlineQueryResultGame
extends TdApi.InputInlineQueryResult
Represents a game.
  • Field Details

    • id

      public String id
      Unique identifier of the query result.
    • gameShortName

      public String gameShortName
      Short name of the game.
    • replyMarkup

      public TdApi.ReplyMarkup replyMarkup
      Message reply markup. Must be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • InputInlineQueryResultGame

      public InputInlineQueryResultGame()
      Represents a game.
    • InputInlineQueryResultGame

      public InputInlineQueryResultGame​(String id, String gameShortName, TdApi.ReplyMarkup replyMarkup)
      Represents a game.
      id - String Unique identifier of the query result.
      gameShortName - String Short name of the game.
      replyMarkup - ReplyMarkup Message reply markup. Must be of type replyMarkupInlineKeyboard or null.
    • InputInlineQueryResultGame

      public InputInlineQueryResultGame​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details