A draft of a message in the chat; may be null.
A draft of a message in the message
thread; may be null.
New draft message; pass null to remove the draft.
The new draft message; may be null.
Chat(long id,
TdApi.ChatType type,
String title,
TdApi.ChatPhotoInfo photo,
TdApi.ChatPermissions permissions,
TdApi.Message lastMessage,
TdApi.ChatPosition[] positions,
TdApi.MessageSender messageSenderId,
boolean hasProtectedContent,
boolean isMarkedAsUnread,
boolean isBlocked,
boolean hasScheduledMessages,
boolean canBeDeletedOnlyForSelf,
boolean canBeDeletedForAllUsers,
boolean canBeReported,
boolean defaultDisableNotification,
int unreadCount,
long lastReadInboxMessageId,
long lastReadOutboxMessageId,
int unreadMentionCount,
int unreadReactionCount,
TdApi.ChatNotificationSettings notificationSettings,
TdApi.ChatAvailableReactions availableReactions,
int messageTtl,
String themeName,
TdApi.ChatActionBar actionBar,
TdApi.VideoChat videoChat,
TdApi.ChatJoinRequestsInfo pendingJoinRequests,
long replyMarkupMessageId,
TdApi.DraftMessage draftMessage,
String clientData)
Contains information about a message thread.
Changes the draft message in a chat.
A chat draft has changed.