Class TdApi.ChatStatisticsSupergroup

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.ChatStatisticsSupergroup extends TdApi.ChatStatistics
A detailed statistics about a supergroup chat.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ChatStatisticsSupergroup

      public ChatStatisticsSupergroup()
      A detailed statistics about a supergroup chat.
    • ChatStatisticsSupergroup

      public ChatStatisticsSupergroup(TdApi.DateRange period, TdApi.StatisticalValue memberCount, TdApi.StatisticalValue messageCount, TdApi.StatisticalValue viewerCount, TdApi.StatisticalValue senderCount, TdApi.StatisticalGraph memberCountGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph joinGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph joinBySourceGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph languageGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph messageContentGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph actionGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph dayGraph, TdApi.StatisticalGraph weekGraph, TdApi.ChatStatisticsMessageSenderInfo[] topSenders, TdApi.ChatStatisticsAdministratorActionsInfo[] topAdministrators, TdApi.ChatStatisticsInviterInfo[] topInviters)
      A detailed statistics about a supergroup chat.
      period - DateRange A period to which the statistics applies.
      memberCount - StatisticalValue Number of members in the chat.
      messageCount - StatisticalValue Number of messages sent to the chat.
      viewerCount - StatisticalValue Number of users who viewed messages in the chat.
      senderCount - StatisticalValue Number of users who sent messages to the chat.
      memberCountGraph - StatisticalGraph A graph containing number of members in the chat.
      joinGraph - StatisticalGraph A graph containing number of members joined and left the chat.
      joinBySourceGraph - StatisticalGraph A graph containing number of new member joins per source.
      languageGraph - StatisticalGraph A graph containing distribution of active users per language.
      messageContentGraph - StatisticalGraph A graph containing distribution of sent messages by content type.
      actionGraph - StatisticalGraph A graph containing number of different actions in the chat.
      dayGraph - StatisticalGraph A graph containing distribution of message views per hour.
      weekGraph - StatisticalGraph A graph containing distribution of message views per day of week.
      topSenders - ChatStatisticsMessageSenderInfo[] List of users sent most messages in the last week.
      topAdministrators - ChatStatisticsAdministratorActionsInfo[] List of most active administrators in the last week.
      topInviters - ChatStatisticsInviterInfo[] List of most active inviters of new members in the last week.
    • ChatStatisticsSupergroup

      public ChatStatisticsSupergroup(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details