Class TdApi.DeviceTokenApplePushVoIP

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.DeviceTokenApplePushVoIP extends TdApi.DeviceToken
A token for Apple Push Notification service VoIP notifications.
  • Field Details

    • deviceToken

      public String deviceToken
      Device token; may be empty to de-register a device.
    • isAppSandbox

      public boolean isAppSandbox
      True, if App Sandbox is enabled.
    • encrypt

      public boolean encrypt
      True, if push notifications must be additionally encrypted.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DeviceTokenApplePushVoIP

      public DeviceTokenApplePushVoIP()
      A token for Apple Push Notification service VoIP notifications.
    • DeviceTokenApplePushVoIP

      public DeviceTokenApplePushVoIP(String deviceToken, boolean isAppSandbox, boolean encrypt)
      A token for Apple Push Notification service VoIP notifications.
      deviceToken - String Device token; may be empty to de-register a device.
      isAppSandbox - boolean True, if App Sandbox is enabled.
      encrypt - boolean True, if push notifications must be additionally encrypted.
    • DeviceTokenApplePushVoIP

      public DeviceTokenApplePushVoIP(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details