Class TdApi.DiceStickersSlotMachine

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.DiceStickersSlotMachine extends TdApi.DiceStickers
Animated stickers to be combined into a slot machine.
  • Field Details

    • background

      public TdApi.Sticker background
      The animated sticker with the slot machine background. The background animation must start playing after all reel animations finish.
    • lever

      public TdApi.Sticker lever
      The animated sticker with the lever animation. The lever animation must play once in the initial dice state.
    • leftReel

      public TdApi.Sticker leftReel
      The animated sticker with the left reel.
    • centerReel

      public TdApi.Sticker centerReel
      The animated sticker with the center reel.
    • rightReel

      public TdApi.Sticker rightReel
      The animated sticker with the right reel.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • DiceStickersSlotMachine

      public DiceStickersSlotMachine()
      Animated stickers to be combined into a slot machine.
    • DiceStickersSlotMachine

      public DiceStickersSlotMachine(TdApi.Sticker background, TdApi.Sticker lever, TdApi.Sticker leftReel, TdApi.Sticker centerReel, TdApi.Sticker rightReel)
      Animated stickers to be combined into a slot machine.
      background - Sticker The animated sticker with the slot machine background. The background animation must start playing after all reel animations finish.
      lever - Sticker The animated sticker with the lever animation. The lever animation must play once in the initial dice state.
      leftReel - Sticker The animated sticker with the left reel.
      centerReel - Sticker The animated sticker with the center reel.
      rightReel - Sticker The animated sticker with the right reel.
    • DiceStickersSlotMachine

      public DiceStickersSlotMachine(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details