Class TdApi.SupergroupFullInfo

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.SupergroupFullInfo extends TdApi.Object
Contains full information about a supergroup or channel.
  • Field Details

    • photo

      public TdApi.ChatPhoto photo
      Chat photo; may be null.
    • description

      public String description
      Supergroup or channel description.
    • memberCount

      public int memberCount
      Number of members in the supergroup or channel; 0 if unknown.
    • administratorCount

      public int administratorCount
      Number of privileged users in the supergroup or channel; 0 if unknown.
    • restrictedCount

      public int restrictedCount
      Number of restricted users in the supergroup; 0 if unknown.
    • bannedCount

      public int bannedCount
      Number of users banned from chat; 0 if unknown.
    • linkedChatId

      public long linkedChatId
      Chat identifier of a discussion group for the channel, or a channel, for which the supergroup is the designated discussion group; 0 if none or unknown.
    • slowModeDelay

      public int slowModeDelay
      Delay between consecutive sent messages for non-administrator supergroup members, in seconds.
    • slowModeDelayExpiresIn

      public double slowModeDelayExpiresIn
      Time left before next message can be sent in the supergroup, in seconds. An updateSupergroupFullInfo update is not triggered when value of this field changes, but both new and old values are non-zero.
    • canGetMembers

      public boolean canGetMembers
      True, if members of the chat can be retrieved.
    • canSetUsername

      public boolean canSetUsername
      True, if the chat username can be changed.
    • canSetStickerSet

      public boolean canSetStickerSet
      True, if the supergroup sticker set can be changed.
    • canSetLocation

      public boolean canSetLocation
      True, if the supergroup location can be changed.
    • canGetStatistics

      public boolean canGetStatistics
      True, if the supergroup or channel statistics are available.
    • isAllHistoryAvailable

      public boolean isAllHistoryAvailable
      True, if new chat members will have access to old messages. In public or discussion groups and both public and private channels, old messages are always available, so this option affects only private supergroups without a linked chat. The value of this field is only available for chat administrators.
    • stickerSetId

      public long stickerSetId
      Identifier of the supergroup sticker set; 0 if none.
    • location

      public TdApi.ChatLocation location
      Location to which the supergroup is connected; may be null.
    • botCommands

      public TdApi.BotCommands[] botCommands
      List of commands of bots in the group.
    • upgradedFromBasicGroupId

      public long upgradedFromBasicGroupId
      Identifier of the basic group from which supergroup was upgraded; 0 if none.
    • upgradedFromMaxMessageId

      public long upgradedFromMaxMessageId
      Identifier of the last message in the basic group from which supergroup was upgraded; 0 if none.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SupergroupFullInfo

      public SupergroupFullInfo()
      Contains full information about a supergroup or channel.
    • SupergroupFullInfo

      public SupergroupFullInfo(TdApi.ChatPhoto photo, String description, int memberCount, int administratorCount, int restrictedCount, int bannedCount, long linkedChatId, int slowModeDelay, double slowModeDelayExpiresIn, boolean canGetMembers, boolean canSetUsername, boolean canSetStickerSet, boolean canSetLocation, boolean canGetStatistics, boolean isAllHistoryAvailable, long stickerSetId, TdApi.ChatLocation location, TdApi.ChatInviteLink inviteLink, TdApi.BotCommands[] botCommands, long upgradedFromBasicGroupId, long upgradedFromMaxMessageId)
      Contains full information about a supergroup or channel.
      photo - ChatPhoto Chat photo; may be null.
      description - String Supergroup or channel description.
      memberCount - int Number of members in the supergroup or channel; 0 if unknown.
      administratorCount - int Number of privileged users in the supergroup or channel; 0 if unknown.
      restrictedCount - int Number of restricted users in the supergroup; 0 if unknown.
      bannedCount - int Number of users banned from chat; 0 if unknown.
      linkedChatId - long Chat identifier of a discussion group for the channel, or a channel, for which the supergroup is the designated discussion group; 0 if none or unknown.
      slowModeDelay - int Delay between consecutive sent messages for non-administrator supergroup members, in seconds.
      slowModeDelayExpiresIn - double Time left before next message can be sent in the supergroup, in seconds. An updateSupergroupFullInfo update is not triggered when value of this field changes, but both new and old values are non-zero.
      canGetMembers - boolean True, if members of the chat can be retrieved.
      canSetUsername - boolean True, if the chat username can be changed.
      canSetStickerSet - boolean True, if the supergroup sticker set can be changed.
      canSetLocation - boolean True, if the supergroup location can be changed.
      canGetStatistics - boolean True, if the supergroup or channel statistics are available.
      isAllHistoryAvailable - boolean True, if new chat members will have access to old messages. In public or discussion groups and both public and private channels, old messages are always available, so this option affects only private supergroups without a linked chat. The value of this field is only available for chat administrators.
      stickerSetId - long Identifier of the supergroup sticker set; 0 if none.
      location - ChatLocation Location to which the supergroup is connected; may be null.
      inviteLink - ChatInviteLink Primary invite link for this chat; may be null. For chat administrators with canInviteUsers right only.
      botCommands - BotCommands[] List of commands of bots in the group.
      upgradedFromBasicGroupId - long Identifier of the basic group from which supergroup was upgraded; 0 if none.
      upgradedFromMaxMessageId - long Identifier of the last message in the basic group from which supergroup was upgraded; 0 if none.
    • SupergroupFullInfo

      public SupergroupFullInfo(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details