Class TdApi.GroupCall

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.GroupCall
extends TdApi.Object
Describes a group call.
  • Field Details

    • id

      public int id
      Group call identifier.
    • title

      public String title
      Group call title.
    • isActive

      public boolean isActive
      True, if the call is active.
    • isJoined

      public boolean isJoined
      True, if the call is joined.
    • needRejoin

      public boolean needRejoin
      True, if user was kicked from the call because of network loss and the call needs to be rejoined.
    • canUnmuteSelf

      public boolean canUnmuteSelf
      True, if the current user can unmute themself.
    • canBeManaged

      public boolean canBeManaged
      True, if the current user can manage the group call.
    • participantCount

      public int participantCount
      Number of participants in the group call.
    • loadedAllParticipants

      public boolean loadedAllParticipants
      True, if all group call participants are loaded.
    • recentSpeakers

      public TdApi.GroupCallRecentSpeaker[] recentSpeakers
      Recently speaking users in the group call.
    • muteNewParticipants

      public boolean muteNewParticipants
      True, if only group call administrators can unmute new participants.
    • canChangeMuteNewParticipants

      public boolean canChangeMuteNewParticipants
      True, if the current user can enable or disable muteNewParticipants setting.
    • recordDuration

      public int recordDuration
      Duration of the ongoing group call recording, in seconds; 0 if none. An updateGroupCall update is not triggered when value of this field changes, but the same recording goes on.
    • duration

      public int duration
      Call duration; for ended calls only.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • GroupCall

      public GroupCall()
      Describes a group call.
    • GroupCall

      public GroupCall​(int id, String title, boolean isActive, boolean isJoined, boolean needRejoin, boolean canUnmuteSelf, boolean canBeManaged, int participantCount, boolean loadedAllParticipants, TdApi.GroupCallRecentSpeaker[] recentSpeakers, boolean muteNewParticipants, boolean canChangeMuteNewParticipants, int recordDuration, int duration)
      Describes a group call.
      id - int Group call identifier.
      title - String Group call title.
      isActive - boolean True, if the call is active.
      isJoined - boolean True, if the call is joined.
      needRejoin - boolean True, if user was kicked from the call because of network loss and the call needs to be rejoined.
      canUnmuteSelf - boolean True, if the current user can unmute themself.
      canBeManaged - boolean True, if the current user can manage the group call.
      participantCount - int Number of participants in the group call.
      loadedAllParticipants - boolean True, if all group call participants are loaded.
      recentSpeakers - GroupCallRecentSpeaker[] Recently speaking users in the group call.
      muteNewParticipants - boolean True, if only group call administrators can unmute new participants.
      canChangeMuteNewParticipants - boolean True, if the current user can enable or disable muteNewParticipants setting.
      recordDuration - int Duration of the ongoing group call recording, in seconds; 0 if none. An updateGroupCall update is not triggered when value of this field changes, but the same recording goes on.
      duration - int Call duration; for ended calls only.
    • GroupCall

      public GroupCall​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details