Class TdApi.PollOption

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.PollOption extends TdApi.Object
Describes one answer option of a poll.
  • Field Details

    • text

      public String text
      Option text; 1-100 characters.
    • voterCount

      public int voterCount
      Number of voters for this option, available only for closed or voted polls.
    • votePercentage

      public int votePercentage
      The percentage of votes for this option; 0-100.
    • isChosen

      public boolean isChosen
      True, if the option was chosen by the user.
    • isBeingChosen

      public boolean isBeingChosen
      True, if the option is being chosen by a pending setPollAnswer request.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PollOption

      public PollOption()
      Describes one answer option of a poll.
    • PollOption

      public PollOption(String text, int voterCount, int votePercentage, boolean isChosen, boolean isBeingChosen)
      Describes one answer option of a poll.
      text - String Option text; 1-100 characters.
      voterCount - int Number of voters for this option, available only for closed or voted polls.
      votePercentage - int The percentage of votes for this option; 0-100.
      isChosen - boolean True, if the option was chosen by the user.
      isBeingChosen - boolean True, if the option is being chosen by a pending setPollAnswer request.
    • PollOption

      public PollOption(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details