Previous chat permissions.
Actions that non-administrator chat
members are allowed to take in the chat.
User permissions in the chat.
New non-administrator members permissions
in the chat.
The new chat permissions.
Chat(long id,
TdApi.ChatType type,
String title,
TdApi.ChatPhotoInfo photo,
TdApi.ChatPermissions permissions,
TdApi.Message lastMessage,
TdApi.ChatPosition[] positions,
boolean isMarkedAsUnread,
boolean isBlocked,
boolean hasScheduledMessages,
boolean canBeDeletedOnlyForSelf,
boolean canBeDeletedForAllUsers,
boolean canBeReported,
boolean defaultDisableNotification,
int unreadCount,
long lastReadInboxMessageId,
long lastReadOutboxMessageId,
int unreadMentionCount,
TdApi.ChatNotificationSettings notificationSettings,
int messageTtlSetting,
String themeName,
TdApi.ChatActionBar actionBar,
TdApi.VideoChat videoChat,
TdApi.ChatJoinRequestsInfo pendingJoinRequests,
long replyMarkupMessageId,
TdApi.DraftMessage draftMessage,
String clientData)
The chat permissions was changed.
The user is under certain restrictions
in the chat.
Changes the chat members permissions.
Chat permissions was changed.