Class TdApi.ChatMember

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.ChatMember
extends TdApi.Object
A user with information about joining/leaving a chat.
  • Field Details

    • userId

      public int userId
      User identifier of the chat member.
    • inviterUserId

      public int inviterUserId
      Identifier of a user that invited/promoted/banned this member in the chat; 0 if unknown.
    • joinedChatDate

      public int joinedChatDate
      Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the user joined the chat.
    • status

      public TdApi.ChatMemberStatus status
      Status of the member in the chat.
    • botInfo

      public TdApi.BotInfo botInfo
      If the user is a bot, information about the bot; may be null. Can be null even for a bot if the bot is not the chat member.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • ChatMember

      public ChatMember()
      A user with information about joining/leaving a chat.
    • ChatMember

      public ChatMember​(int userId, int inviterUserId, int joinedChatDate, TdApi.ChatMemberStatus status, TdApi.BotInfo botInfo)
      A user with information about joining/leaving a chat.
      userId - int User identifier of the chat member.
      inviterUserId - int Identifier of a user that invited/promoted/banned this member in the chat; 0 if unknown.
      joinedChatDate - int Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the user joined the chat.
      status - ChatMemberStatus Status of the member in the chat.
      botInfo - BotInfo If the user is a bot, information about the bot; may be null. Can be null even for a bot if the bot is not the chat member.
    • ChatMember

      public ChatMember​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details