Class TdApi.GetTrendingStickerSets

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.GetTrendingStickerSets
extends TdApi.Function
Returns a list of trending sticker sets. For the optimal performance the number of returned sticker sets is chosen by the library.

Returns StickerSets

  • Field Details

    • offset

      public int offset
      The offset from which to return the sticker sets; must be non-negative.
    • limit

      public int limit
      The maximum number of sticker sets to be returned; must be non-negative. Fewer sticker sets may be returned than specified by the limit, even if the end of the list has not been reached.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • GetTrendingStickerSets

      public GetTrendingStickerSets()
      Returns a list of trending sticker sets. For the optimal performance the number of returned sticker sets is chosen by the library.

      Returns StickerSets

    • GetTrendingStickerSets

      public GetTrendingStickerSets​(int offset, int limit)
      Returns a list of trending sticker sets. For the optimal performance the number of returned sticker sets is chosen by the library.

      Returns StickerSets

      offset - int The offset from which to return the sticker sets; must be non-negative.
      limit - int The maximum number of sticker sets to be returned; must be non-negative. Fewer sticker sets may be returned than specified by the limit, even if the end of the list has not been reached.
    • GetTrendingStickerSets

      public GetTrendingStickerSets​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details