Module tdlight.api

Class TdApi.SendInlineQueryResultMessage

Enclosing class:

public static final class TdApi.SendInlineQueryResultMessage extends TdApi.Function<TdApi.Message>
Sends the result of an inline query as a message. Returns the sent message. Always clears a chat draft message.

Returns Message

  • Field Details

    • chatId

      public long chatId
      Target chat.
    • messageThreadId

      public long messageThreadId
      If not 0, a message thread identifier in which the message will be sent.
    • replyTo

      public TdApi.MessageReplyTo replyTo
      Identifier of the replied message or story; pass null if none.
    • options

      public TdApi.MessageSendOptions options
      Options to be used to send the message; pass null to use default options.
    • queryId

      public long queryId
      Identifier of the inline query.
    • resultId

      public String resultId
      Identifier of the inline query result.
    • hideViaBot

      public boolean hideViaBot
      Pass true to hide the bot, via which the message is sent. Can be used only for bots getOption("animation_search_bot_username"), getOption("photo_search_bot_username"), and getOption("venue_search_bot_username").

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SendInlineQueryResultMessage

      public SendInlineQueryResultMessage()
      Sends the result of an inline query as a message. Returns the sent message. Always clears a chat draft message.

      Returns Message

    • SendInlineQueryResultMessage

      public SendInlineQueryResultMessage(long chatId, long messageThreadId, TdApi.MessageReplyTo replyTo, TdApi.MessageSendOptions options, long queryId, String resultId, boolean hideViaBot)
      Sends the result of an inline query as a message. Returns the sent message. Always clears a chat draft message.

      Returns Message

      chatId - Target chat.
      messageThreadId - If not 0, a message thread identifier in which the message will be sent.
      replyTo - Identifier of the replied message or story; pass null if none.
      options - Options to be used to send the message; pass null to use default options.
      queryId - Identifier of the inline query.
      resultId - Identifier of the inline query result.
      hideViaBot - Pass true to hide the bot, via which the message is sent. Can be used only for bots getOption("animation_search_bot_username"), getOption("photo_search_bot_username"), and getOption("venue_search_bot_username").

      Returns Message

    • SendInlineQueryResultMessage

      public SendInlineQueryResultMessage(DataInput input) throws IOException
      Sends the result of an inline query as a message. Returns the sent message. Always clears a chat draft message.

      Returns Message

      input - Serialized input
      IOException - the deserialization failed
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object
    • serialize

      public void serialize(DataOutput output) throws IOException
      Serialize the TDLib class
      Specified by:
      serialize in class TdApi.Object
      output - output data stream
      IOException - the serialization failed
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object