Class TdApi.GetChatStatisticsUrl

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.GetChatStatisticsUrl
extends TdApi.Function
Returns an HTTP URL with the chat statistics. Currently this method of getting the statistics are disabled and can be deleted in the future.

Returns HttpUrl

  • Field Details

    • chatId

      public long chatId
      Chat identifier.
    • parameters

      public String parameters
      Parameters from "tg://statsrefresh?params=******" link.
    • isDark

      public boolean isDark
      Pass true if a URL with the dark theme must be returned.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • GetChatStatisticsUrl

      public GetChatStatisticsUrl()
      Returns an HTTP URL with the chat statistics. Currently this method of getting the statistics are disabled and can be deleted in the future.

      Returns HttpUrl

    • GetChatStatisticsUrl

      public GetChatStatisticsUrl​(long chatId, String parameters, boolean isDark)
      Returns an HTTP URL with the chat statistics. Currently this method of getting the statistics are disabled and can be deleted in the future.

      Returns HttpUrl

      chatId - long Chat identifier.
      parameters - String Parameters from "tg://statsrefresh?params=******" link.
      isDark - boolean Pass true if a URL with the dark theme must be returned.
    • GetChatStatisticsUrl

      public GetChatStatisticsUrl​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details