Module tdlight.api

Class TdApi.AttachmentMenuBot

Enclosing class:

public static final class TdApi.AttachmentMenuBot extends TdApi.Object
Represents a bot, which can be added to attachment or side menu.
  • Field Details

    • botUserId

      public long botUserId
      User identifier of the bot.
    • supportsSelfChat

      public boolean supportsSelfChat
      True, if the bot supports opening from attachment menu in the chat with the bot.
    • supportsUserChats

      public boolean supportsUserChats
      True, if the bot supports opening from attachment menu in private chats with ordinary users.
    • supportsBotChats

      public boolean supportsBotChats
      True, if the bot supports opening from attachment menu in private chats with other bots.
    • supportsGroupChats

      public boolean supportsGroupChats
      True, if the bot supports opening from attachment menu in basic group and supergroup chats.
    • supportsChannelChats

      public boolean supportsChannelChats
      True, if the bot supports opening from attachment menu in channel chats.
    • supportsSettings

      public boolean supportsSettings
      True, if the bot supports "settings_button_pressed" event.
    • requestWriteAccess

      public boolean requestWriteAccess
      True, if the user must be asked for the permission to send messages to the bot.
    • isAdded

      public boolean isAdded
      True, if the bot was explicitly added by the user. If the bot isn't added, then on the first bot launch toggleBotIsAddedToAttachmentMenu must be called and the bot must be added or removed.
    • showInAttachmentMenu

      public boolean showInAttachmentMenu
      True, if the bot must be shown in the attachment menu.
    • showInSideMenu

      public boolean showInSideMenu
      True, if the bot must be shown in the side menu.
    • showDisclaimerInSideMenu

      public boolean showDisclaimerInSideMenu
      True, if a disclaimer, why the bot is shown in the side menu, is needed.
    • name

      public String name
      Name for the bot in attachment menu.
    • nameColor

      public TdApi.AttachmentMenuBotColor nameColor
      Color to highlight selected name of the bot if appropriate; may be null.
    • defaultIcon

      public TdApi.File defaultIcon
      Default icon for the bot in SVG format; may be null.
    • iosStaticIcon

      public TdApi.File iosStaticIcon
      Icon for the bot in SVG format for the official iOS app; may be null.
    • iosAnimatedIcon

      public TdApi.File iosAnimatedIcon
      Icon for the bot in TGS format for the official iOS app; may be null.
    • iosSideMenuIcon

      public TdApi.File iosSideMenuIcon
      Icon for the bot in PNG format for the official iOS app side menu; may be null.
    • androidIcon

      public TdApi.File androidIcon
      Icon for the bot in TGS format for the official Android app; may be null.
    • androidSideMenuIcon

      public TdApi.File androidSideMenuIcon
      Icon for the bot in SVG format for the official Android app side menu; may be null.
    • macosIcon

      public TdApi.File macosIcon
      Icon for the bot in TGS format for the official native macOS app; may be null.
    • macosSideMenuIcon

      public TdApi.File macosSideMenuIcon
      Icon for the bot in PNG format for the official macOS app side menu; may be null.
    • iconColor

      public TdApi.AttachmentMenuBotColor iconColor
      Color to highlight selected icon of the bot if appropriate; may be null.
    • webAppPlaceholder

      public TdApi.File webAppPlaceholder
      Default placeholder for opened Web Apps in SVG format; may be null.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      Identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AttachmentMenuBot

      public AttachmentMenuBot()
      Represents a bot, which can be added to attachment or side menu.
    • AttachmentMenuBot

      public AttachmentMenuBot(long botUserId, boolean supportsSelfChat, boolean supportsUserChats, boolean supportsBotChats, boolean supportsGroupChats, boolean supportsChannelChats, boolean supportsSettings, boolean requestWriteAccess, boolean isAdded, boolean showInAttachmentMenu, boolean showInSideMenu, boolean showDisclaimerInSideMenu, String name, TdApi.AttachmentMenuBotColor nameColor, TdApi.File defaultIcon, TdApi.File iosStaticIcon, TdApi.File iosAnimatedIcon, TdApi.File iosSideMenuIcon, TdApi.File androidIcon, TdApi.File androidSideMenuIcon, TdApi.File macosIcon, TdApi.File macosSideMenuIcon, TdApi.AttachmentMenuBotColor iconColor, TdApi.File webAppPlaceholder)
      Represents a bot, which can be added to attachment or side menu.
      botUserId - User identifier of the bot.
      supportsSelfChat - True, if the bot supports opening from attachment menu in the chat with the bot.
      supportsUserChats - True, if the bot supports opening from attachment menu in private chats with ordinary users.
      supportsBotChats - True, if the bot supports opening from attachment menu in private chats with other bots.
      supportsGroupChats - True, if the bot supports opening from attachment menu in basic group and supergroup chats.
      supportsChannelChats - True, if the bot supports opening from attachment menu in channel chats.
      supportsSettings - True, if the bot supports "settings_button_pressed" event.
      requestWriteAccess - True, if the user must be asked for the permission to send messages to the bot.
      isAdded - True, if the bot was explicitly added by the user. If the bot isn't added, then on the first bot launch toggleBotIsAddedToAttachmentMenu must be called and the bot must be added or removed.
      showInAttachmentMenu - True, if the bot must be shown in the attachment menu.
      showInSideMenu - True, if the bot must be shown in the side menu.
      showDisclaimerInSideMenu - True, if a disclaimer, why the bot is shown in the side menu, is needed.
      name - Name for the bot in attachment menu.
      nameColor - Color to highlight selected name of the bot if appropriate; may be null.
      defaultIcon - Default icon for the bot in SVG format; may be null.
      iosStaticIcon - Icon for the bot in SVG format for the official iOS app; may be null.
      iosAnimatedIcon - Icon for the bot in TGS format for the official iOS app; may be null.
      iosSideMenuIcon - Icon for the bot in PNG format for the official iOS app side menu; may be null.
      androidIcon - Icon for the bot in TGS format for the official Android app; may be null.
      androidSideMenuIcon - Icon for the bot in SVG format for the official Android app side menu; may be null.
      macosIcon - Icon for the bot in TGS format for the official native macOS app; may be null.
      macosSideMenuIcon - Icon for the bot in PNG format for the official macOS app side menu; may be null.
      iconColor - Color to highlight selected icon of the bot if appropriate; may be null.
      webAppPlaceholder - Default placeholder for opened Web Apps in SVG format; may be null.
    • AttachmentMenuBot

      public AttachmentMenuBot(DataInput input) throws IOException
      Represents a bot, which can be added to attachment or side menu.
      input - Serialized input
      IOException - the deserialization failed
  • Method Details

    • getConstructor

      public int getConstructor()
      Description copied from class: TdApi.Object
      Returns an identifier uniquely determining type of the object.
      Specified by:
      getConstructor in class TdApi.Object
    • serialize

      public void serialize(DataOutput output) throws IOException
      Serialize the TDLib class
      Specified by:
      serialize in class TdApi.Object
      output - output data stream
      IOException - the serialization failed
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object