Chat location if a location-based supergroup is being created; pass null to create an ordinary supergroup chat.
New location for the chat; must be valid and not null.
Location to which the supergroup is connected; may be null if none.
New location; may be null.
Previous location; may be null.
The supergroup location was changed.
Creates a new supergroup or channel and sends a corresponding messageSupergroupChatCreate.
Changes the location of a chat.
SupergroupFullInfo(TdApi.ChatPhoto photo,
String description,
int memberCount,
int administratorCount,
int restrictedCount,
int bannedCount,
long linkedChatId,
int slowModeDelay,
double slowModeDelayExpiresIn,
boolean canGetMembers,
boolean hasHiddenMembers,
boolean canHideMembers,
boolean canSetStickerSet,
boolean canSetLocation,
boolean canGetStatistics,
boolean canToggleAggressiveAntiSpam,
boolean isAllHistoryAvailable,
boolean hasAggressiveAntiSpamEnabled,
boolean hasPinnedStories,
long stickerSetId,
TdApi.ChatLocation location,
TdApi.ChatInviteLink inviteLink,
TdApi.BotCommands[] botCommands,
long upgradedFromBasicGroupId,
long upgradedFromMaxMessageId)
Contains full information about a supergroup or channel.