New chat photo value; may be null.
Previous chat photo value; may be null.
User profile photo set by the current user for the contact; may be null.
Chat photo; may be null if empty or unknown.
The suggested chat photo.
Chat photo; may be null if empty or unknown.
User profile photo; may be null.
User profile photo visible if the main photo is hidden by privacy settings; may be null.
Contains full information about a basic group.
The chat photo was changed.
Contains a list of chat or user profile photos.
A profile photo was suggested to a user in a private chat.
SupergroupFullInfo(TdApi.ChatPhoto photo,
String description,
int memberCount,
int administratorCount,
int restrictedCount,
int bannedCount,
long linkedChatId,
int slowModeDelay,
double slowModeDelayExpiresIn,
boolean canGetMembers,
boolean hasHiddenMembers,
boolean canHideMembers,
boolean canSetStickerSet,
boolean canSetLocation,
boolean canGetStatistics,
boolean canToggleAggressiveAntiSpam,
boolean isAllHistoryAvailable,
boolean hasAggressiveAntiSpamEnabled,
boolean hasPinnedStories,
long stickerSetId,
TdApi.ChatLocation location,
TdApi.ChatInviteLink inviteLink,
TdApi.BotCommands[] botCommands,
long upgradedFromBasicGroupId,
long upgradedFromMaxMessageId)
Contains full information about a supergroup or channel.
UserFullInfo(TdApi.ChatPhoto personalPhoto,
TdApi.ChatPhoto photo,
TdApi.ChatPhoto publicPhoto,
TdApi.BlockList blockList,
boolean canBeCalled,
boolean supportsVideoCalls,
boolean hasPrivateCalls,
boolean hasPrivateForwards,
boolean hasRestrictedVoiceAndVideoNoteMessages,
boolean hasPinnedStories,
boolean needPhoneNumberPrivacyException,
TdApi.FormattedText bio,
TdApi.PremiumPaymentOption[] premiumGiftOptions,
int groupInCommonCount,
TdApi.BotInfo botInfo)
Contains full information about a user.