Class TdApi.ChatFilter

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.ChatFilter
extends TdApi.Object
Represents a filter of user chats.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    static int CONSTRUCTOR  
    boolean excludeArchived
    True, if archived chats need to be excluded.
    long[] excludedChatIds
    The chat identifiers of always excluded chats in the filtered chat list.
    boolean excludeMuted
    True, if muted chats need to be excluded.
    boolean excludeRead
    True, if read chats need to be excluded.
    String iconName
    The icon name for short filter representation.
    boolean includeBots
    True, if bots need to be included.
    boolean includeChannels
    True, if channels need to be included.
    boolean includeContacts
    True, if contacts need to be included.
    long[] includedChatIds
    The chat identifiers of always included chats in the filtered chat list.
    boolean includeGroups
    True, if basic groups and supergroups need to be included.
    boolean includeNonContacts
    True, if non-contact users need to be included.
    long[] pinnedChatIds
    The chat identifiers of pinned chats in the filtered chat list.
    String title
    The title of the filter; 1-12 characters without line feeds.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Represents a filter of user chats.
    ChatFilter​(DataInput input)  
    ChatFilter​(String title, String iconName, long[] pinnedChatIds, long[] includedChatIds, long[] excludedChatIds, boolean excludeMuted, boolean excludeRead, boolean excludeArchived, boolean includeContacts, boolean includeNonContacts, boolean includeBots, boolean includeGroups, boolean includeChannels)
    Represents a filter of user chats.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean equals​(Object o)  
    int getConstructor()  
    int hashCode()  
    void serialize​(DataOutput output)  

    Methods inherited from class it.tdlight.jni.TdApi.Object

    serialize, toString

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • title

      public String title
      The title of the filter; 1-12 characters without line feeds.
    • iconName

      public String iconName
      The icon name for short filter representation. If non-empty, must be one of "All", "Unread", "Unmuted", "Bots", "Channels", "Groups", "Private", "Custom", "Setup", "Cat", "Crown", "Favorite", "Flower", "Game", "Home", "Love", "Mask", "Party", "Sport", "Study", "Trade", "Travel", "Work". If empty, use getChatFilterDefaultIconName to get default icon name for the filter.
    • pinnedChatIds

      public long[] pinnedChatIds
      The chat identifiers of pinned chats in the filtered chat list.
    • includedChatIds

      public long[] includedChatIds
      The chat identifiers of always included chats in the filtered chat list.
    • excludedChatIds

      public long[] excludedChatIds
      The chat identifiers of always excluded chats in the filtered chat list.
    • excludeMuted

      public boolean excludeMuted
      True, if muted chats need to be excluded.
    • excludeRead

      public boolean excludeRead
      True, if read chats need to be excluded.
    • excludeArchived

      public boolean excludeArchived
      True, if archived chats need to be excluded.
    • includeContacts

      public boolean includeContacts
      True, if contacts need to be included.
    • includeNonContacts

      public boolean includeNonContacts
      True, if non-contact users need to be included.
    • includeBots

      public boolean includeBots
      True, if bots need to be included.
    • includeGroups

      public boolean includeGroups
      True, if basic groups and supergroups need to be included.
    • includeChannels

      public boolean includeChannels
      True, if channels need to be included.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • ChatFilter

      public ChatFilter()
      Represents a filter of user chats.
    • ChatFilter

      public ChatFilter​(String title, String iconName, long[] pinnedChatIds, long[] includedChatIds, long[] excludedChatIds, boolean excludeMuted, boolean excludeRead, boolean excludeArchived, boolean includeContacts, boolean includeNonContacts, boolean includeBots, boolean includeGroups, boolean includeChannels)
      Represents a filter of user chats.
      title - String The title of the filter; 1-12 characters without line feeds.
      iconName - String The icon name for short filter representation. If non-empty, must be one of "All", "Unread", "Unmuted", "Bots", "Channels", "Groups", "Private", "Custom", "Setup", "Cat", "Crown", "Favorite", "Flower", "Game", "Home", "Love", "Mask", "Party", "Sport", "Study", "Trade", "Travel", "Work". If empty, use getChatFilterDefaultIconName to get default icon name for the filter.
      pinnedChatIds - long[] The chat identifiers of pinned chats in the filtered chat list.
      includedChatIds - long[] The chat identifiers of always included chats in the filtered chat list.
      excludedChatIds - long[] The chat identifiers of always excluded chats in the filtered chat list.
      excludeMuted - boolean True, if muted chats need to be excluded.
      excludeRead - boolean True, if read chats need to be excluded.
      excludeArchived - boolean True, if archived chats need to be excluded.
      includeContacts - boolean True, if contacts need to be included.
      includeNonContacts - boolean True, if non-contact users need to be included.
      includeBots - boolean True, if bots need to be included.
      includeGroups - boolean True, if basic groups and supergroups need to be included.
      includeChannels - boolean True, if channels need to be included.
    • ChatFilter

      public ChatFilter​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details