Class TdApi.JoinChatByInviteLink

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.JoinChatByInviteLink
extends TdApi.Function
Uses an invite link to add the current user to the chat if possible. The new member will not be added until the chat state has been synchronized with the server.

Returns Chat

  • Field Details


      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • JoinChatByInviteLink

      public JoinChatByInviteLink()
      Uses an invite link to add the current user to the chat if possible. The new member will not be added until the chat state has been synchronized with the server.

      Returns Chat

    • JoinChatByInviteLink

      public JoinChatByInviteLink​(String inviteLink)
      Uses an invite link to add the current user to the chat if possible. The new member will not be added until the chat state has been synchronized with the server.

      Returns Chat

      inviteLink - String Invite link to import; should begin with "", "", or "".
    • JoinChatByInviteLink

      public JoinChatByInviteLink​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details