Class TdApi.MessageForwardInfo

Enclosing class:

public static class TdApi.MessageForwardInfo
extends TdApi.Object
Contains information about a forwarded message.
  • Field Details

    • origin

      Origin of a forwarded message.
    • date

      public int date
      Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the message was originally sent.
    • publicServiceAnnouncementType

      public String publicServiceAnnouncementType
      The type of a public service announcement for the forwarded message.
    • fromChatId

      public long fromChatId
      For messages forwarded to the chat with the current user (Saved Messages), to the Replies bot chat, or to the channel's discussion group, the identifier of the chat from which the message was forwarded last time; 0 if unknown.
    • fromMessageId

      public long fromMessageId
      For messages forwarded to the chat with the current user (Saved Messages), to the Replies bot chat, or to the channel's discussion group, the identifier of the original message from which the new message was forwarded last time; 0 if unknown.

      public static final int CONSTRUCTOR
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Constructor Details

    • MessageForwardInfo

      public MessageForwardInfo()
      Contains information about a forwarded message.
    • MessageForwardInfo

      public MessageForwardInfo​(TdApi.MessageForwardOrigin origin, int date, String publicServiceAnnouncementType, long fromChatId, long fromMessageId)
      Contains information about a forwarded message.
      origin - MessageForwardOrigin Origin of a forwarded message.
      date - int Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the message was originally sent.
      publicServiceAnnouncementType - String The type of a public service announcement for the forwarded message.
      fromChatId - long For messages forwarded to the chat with the current user (Saved Messages), to the Replies bot chat, or to the channel's discussion group, the identifier of the chat from which the message was forwarded last time; 0 if unknown.
      fromMessageId - long For messages forwarded to the chat with the current user (Saved Messages), to the Replies bot chat, or to the channel's discussion group, the identifier of the original message from which the new message was forwarded last time; 0 if unknown.
    • MessageForwardInfo

      public MessageForwardInfo​(DataInput input) throws IOException
  • Method Details