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<divclass="block">True, if the message contains an unread mention for the current user.</div>
<tdclass="colFirst"><code><ahref="../../../it/ernytech/tdlib/TdApi.MessageContent.html"title="class in it.ernytech.tdlib">TdApi.MessageContent</a></code></td>
<divclass="block">Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the message was last edited.</div>
<tdclass="colFirst"><code><ahref="../../../it/ernytech/tdlib/TdApi.MessageForwardInfo.html"title="class in it.ernytech.tdlib">TdApi.MessageForwardInfo</a></code></td>
<divclass="block">Unique identifier of an album this message belongs to.</div>
<tdclass="colFirst"><code><ahref="../../../it/ernytech/tdlib/TdApi.ReplyMarkup.html"title="class in it.ernytech.tdlib">TdApi.ReplyMarkup</a></code></td>
<divclass="block">Identifier of the user who sent the message; 0 if unknown.</div>
<tdclass="colFirst"><code><ahref="../../../it/ernytech/tdlib/TdApi.MessageSendingState.html"title="class in it.ernytech.tdlib">TdApi.MessageSendingState</a></code></td>
<h3>Methods inherited from class it.ernytech.tdlib.<ahref="../../../it/ernytech/tdlib/TdApi.Object.html"title="class in it.ernytech.tdlib">TdApi.Object</a></h3>
<divclass="block">Identifier of the user who sent the message; 0 if unknown. It is unknown for channel posts.</div>
<pre>public long chatId</pre>
<divclass="block">Chat identifier.</div>
<pre>public <ahref="../../../it/ernytech/tdlib/TdApi.MessageSendingState.html"title="class in it.ernytech.tdlib">TdApi.MessageSendingState</a> sendingState</pre>
<divclass="block">Information about the sending state of the message; may be null.</div>
<pre>public boolean isOutgoing</pre>
<divclass="block">True, if the message is outgoing.</div>
<pre>public boolean canBeEdited</pre>
<divclass="block">True, if the message can be edited.</div>
<pre>public boolean canBeForwarded</pre>
<divclass="block">True, if the message can be forwarded.</div>
<divclass="block">True, if the message contains an unread mention for the current user.</div>
<pre>public int date</pre>
<divclass="block">Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the message was sent.</div>
<pre>public int editDate</pre>
<divclass="block">Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the message was last edited.</div>
<pre>public <ahref="../../../it/ernytech/tdlib/TdApi.MessageForwardInfo.html"title="class in it.ernytech.tdlib">TdApi.MessageForwardInfo</a> forwardInfo</pre>
<divclass="block">Information about the initial message sender; may be null.</div>
<pre>public long replyToMessageId</pre>
<divclass="block">If non-zero, the identifier of the message this message is replying to; can be the identifier of a deleted message.</div>
<pre>public int ttl</pre>
<divclass="block">For self-destructing messages, the message's TTL (Time To Live), in seconds; 0 if none. TDLib will send updateDeleteMessages or updateMessageContent once the TTL expires.</div>
<pre>public double ttlExpiresIn</pre>
<divclass="block">Time left before the message expires, in seconds.</div>
<pre>public int viaBotUserId</pre>
<divclass="block">If non-zero, the user identifier of the bot through which this message was sent.</div>
<divclass="block">Number of times this message was viewed.</div>
<pre>public long mediaAlbumId</pre>
<divclass="block">Unique identifier of an album this message belongs to. Only photos and videos can be grouped together in albums.</div>
<pre>public <ahref="../../../it/ernytech/tdlib/TdApi.MessageContent.html"title="class in it.ernytech.tdlib">TdApi.MessageContent</a> content</pre>
<divclass="block">Content of the message.</div>
<pre>public <ahref="../../../it/ernytech/tdlib/TdApi.ReplyMarkup.html"title="class in it.ernytech.tdlib">TdApi.ReplyMarkup</a> replyMarkup</pre>
<divclass="block">Reply markup for the message; may be null.</div>
<dd><code>senderUserId</code> - Identifier of the user who sent the message; 0 if unknown. It is unknown for channel posts.</dd>
<dd><code>chatId</code> - Chat identifier.</dd>
<dd><code>sendingState</code> - Information about the sending state of the message; may be null.</dd>
<dd><code>isOutgoing</code> - True, if the message is outgoing.</dd>
<dd><code>canBeEdited</code> - True, if the message can be edited.</dd>
<dd><code>canBeForwarded</code> - True, if the message can be forwarded.</dd>
<dd><code>canBeDeletedOnlyForSelf</code> - True, if the message can be deleted only for the current user while other users will continue to see it.</dd>
<dd><code>canBeDeletedForAllUsers</code> - True, if the message can be deleted for all users.</dd>
<dd><code>isChannelPost</code> - True, if the message is a channel post. All messages to channels are channel posts, all other messages are not channel posts.</dd>
<dd><code>containsUnreadMention</code> - True, if the message contains an unread mention for the current user.</dd>
<dd><code>date</code> - Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the message was sent.</dd>
<dd><code>editDate</code> - Point in time (Unix timestamp) when the message was last edited.</dd>
<dd><code>forwardInfo</code> - Information about the initial message sender; may be null.</dd>
<dd><code>replyToMessageId</code> - If non-zero, the identifier of the message this message is replying to; can be the identifier of a deleted message.</dd>
<dd><code>ttl</code> - For self-destructing messages, the message's TTL (Time To Live), in seconds; 0 if none. TDLib will send updateDeleteMessages or updateMessageContent once the TTL expires.</dd>
<dd><code>ttlExpiresIn</code> - Time left before the message expires, in seconds.</dd>
<dd><code>viaBotUserId</code> - If non-zero, the user identifier of the bot through which this message was sent.</dd>
<dd><code>authorSignature</code> - For channel posts, optional author signature.</dd>
<dd><code>views</code> - Number of times this message was viewed.</dd>
<dd><code>mediaAlbumId</code> - Unique identifier of an album this message belongs to. Only photos and videos can be grouped together in albums.</dd>
<dd><code>content</code> - Content of the message.</dd>
<dd><code>replyMarkup</code> - Reply markup for the message; may be null.</dd>
<dd><code><ahref="../../../it/ernytech/tdlib/TdApi.Object.html#getConstructor()">getConstructor</a></code> in class <code><ahref="../../../it/ernytech/tdlib/TdApi.Object.html"title="class in it.ernytech.tdlib">TdApi.Object</a></code></dd>
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