package it.tdlight.common; import it.tdlight.jni.TdApi; import it.tdlight.jni.TdApi.Error; import it.tdlight.jni.TdApi.Function; import it.tdlight.jni.TdApi.Object; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; public class InternalClient implements ClientEventsHandler, TelegramClient { private final ConcurrentHashMap handlers = new ConcurrentHashMap(); private static final java.lang.Object nextClientIdLock = new java.lang.Object(); private static int nextClientId = 1; private int clientId; private final InternalClientManager clientManager; private Handler updateHandler; private MultiHandler updatesHandler; private ExceptionHandler defaultExceptionHandler; private final AtomicBoolean isClosed = new AtomicBoolean(); public InternalClient(InternalClientManager clientManager) { this.clientManager = clientManager; } @Override public int getClientId() { return clientId; } @Override public void handleEvents(boolean isClosed, long[] eventIds, Object[] events) { if (updatesHandler != null) { LongArrayList idsToFilter = new LongArrayList(eventIds); ObjectArrayList eventsToFilter = new ObjectArrayList<>(events); for (int i = eventIds.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (eventIds[i] != 0) { idsToFilter.removeLong(i); eventsToFilter.remove(i); long eventId = eventIds[i]; Object event = events[i]; Handler handler = handlers.remove(eventId); handleResponse(eventId, event, handler); } } try { updatesHandler.getUpdatesHandler().onUpdates(eventsToFilter); } catch (Throwable cause) { handleException(updatesHandler.getExceptionHandler(), cause); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < eventIds.length; i++) { handleEvent(eventIds[i], events[i]); } } if (isClosed) { if (this.isClosed.compareAndSet(false, true)) { handleClose(); } } } private void handleClose() { handlers.forEach((eventId, handler) -> { handleResponse(eventId, new Error(500, "Instance closed"), handler); }); handlers.clear(); } /** * Handles only a response (not an update!) */ private void handleResponse(long eventId, Object event, Handler handler) { if (handler != null) { try { handler.getResultHandler().onResult(event); } catch (Throwable cause) { handleException(handler.getExceptionHandler(), cause); } } else { System.err.println("Unknown event id " + eventId + ", the event has been dropped!"); } } /** * Handles a response or an update */ private void handleEvent(long eventId, Object event) { if (updatesHandler != null || updateHandler == null) throw new IllegalStateException(); Handler handler = eventId == 0 ? updateHandler : handlers.remove(eventId); handleResponse(eventId, event, handler); } private void handleException(ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler, Throwable cause) { if (exceptionHandler == null) { exceptionHandler = defaultExceptionHandler; } if (exceptionHandler != null) { try { exceptionHandler.onException(cause); } catch (Throwable ignored) {} } } @Override public void initialize(UpdatesHandler updatesHandler, ExceptionHandler updateExceptionHandler, ExceptionHandler defaultExceptionHandler) { this.updateHandler = null; this.updatesHandler = new MultiHandler(updatesHandler, updateExceptionHandler); this.defaultExceptionHandler = defaultExceptionHandler; createAndRegisterClient(clientId); } @Override public void initialize(ResultHandler updateHandler, ExceptionHandler updateExceptionHandler, ExceptionHandler defaultExceptionHandler) { this.updateHandler = new Handler(updateHandler, updateExceptionHandler); this.updatesHandler = null; this.defaultExceptionHandler = defaultExceptionHandler; createAndRegisterClient(clientId); } private void createAndRegisterClient(int clientId) { synchronized (nextClientIdLock) { int nextClientId = InternalClient.nextClientId++; clientManager.registerClient(clientId, this); this.clientId = NativeClientAccess.create(); if (this.clientId != nextClientId) { throw new RuntimeException("FATAL ERROR 00 -- REPORT AT"); } } // Send a dummy request because @levlam is too lazy to fix race conditions in a better way this.send(new TdApi.GetAuthorizationState(), (result) -> {}, ex -> {}); } @Override public void send(Function query, ResultHandler resultHandler, ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler) { if (isClosedAndMaybeThrow(query)) { resultHandler.onResult(new TdApi.Ok()); } long queryId = clientManager.getNextQueryId(); if (resultHandler != null) { handlers.put(queryId, new Handler(resultHandler, exceptionHandler)); } NativeClientAccess.send(clientId, queryId, query); } @Override public Object execute(Function query) { if (isClosedAndMaybeThrow(query)) { return new TdApi.Ok(); } return NativeClientAccess.execute(query); } /** * * @param function function used to check if the check will be enforced or not. Can be null * @return true if closed */ private boolean isClosedAndMaybeThrow(Function function) { boolean closed = isClosed.get(); if (closed) { if (function != null && function.getConstructor() == TdApi.Close.CONSTRUCTOR) { return true; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("The client is closed!"); } } return false; } }