package it.tdlight.client; import it.tdlight.common.utils.ScannerUtils; import it.tdlight.jni.TdApi.TermsOfService; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.function.Consumer; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; final class ScannerClientInteraction implements ClientInteraction { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ScannerClientInteraction.class); private final ExecutorService blockingExecutor; private final Authenticable authenticable; public ScannerClientInteraction(ExecutorService blockingExecutor, Authenticable authenticable) { this.blockingExecutor = blockingExecutor; this.authenticable = authenticable; } @Override public void onParameterRequest(InputParameter parameter, ParameterInfo parameterInfo, Consumer resultCons) { authenticable.getAuthenticationData(authenticationData -> { blockingExecutor.execute(() -> { String who; boolean useRealWho; if (authenticationData instanceof ConsoleInteractiveAuthenticationData) { useRealWho = ((ConsoleInteractiveAuthenticationData) authenticationData).isInitialized(); } else { useRealWho = true; } if (!useRealWho) { who = "login"; } else if (authenticationData.isQrCode()) { who = "QR login"; } else if (authenticationData.isBot()) { who = authenticationData.getBotToken().split(":", 2)[0]; } else { who = "+" + authenticationData.getUserPhoneNumber(); } String question; boolean trim = false; switch (parameter) { case ASK_FIRST_NAME: question = "Enter first name"; trim = true; break; case ASK_LAST_NAME: question = "Enter last name"; trim = true; break; case ASK_CODE: question = "Enter authentication code"; ParameterInfoCode codeInfo = ((ParameterInfoCode) parameterInfo); question += "\n\tPhone number: " + codeInfo.getPhoneNumber(); question += "\n\tTimeout: " + codeInfo.getTimeout() + " seconds"; question += "\n\tCode type: " + codeInfo.getType().getClass().getSimpleName() .replace("AuthenticationCodeType", ""); if (codeInfo.getNextType() != null) { question += "\n\tNext code type: " + codeInfo .getNextType() .getClass() .getSimpleName() .replace("AuthenticationCodeType", ""); } trim = true; break; case ASK_PASSWORD: question = "Enter your password"; String passwordMessage = "Password authorization:"; String hint = ((ParameterInfoPasswordHint) parameterInfo).getHint(); if (hint != null && !hint.isEmpty()) { passwordMessage += "\n\tHint: " + hint; } boolean hasRecoveryEmailAddress = ((ParameterInfoPasswordHint) parameterInfo) .hasRecoveryEmailAddress(); passwordMessage += "\n\tHas recovery email: " + hasRecoveryEmailAddress; String recoveryEmailAddressPattern = ((ParameterInfoPasswordHint) parameterInfo) .getRecoveryEmailAddressPattern(); if (recoveryEmailAddressPattern != null && !recoveryEmailAddressPattern.isEmpty()) { passwordMessage += "\n\tRecovery email address pattern: " + recoveryEmailAddressPattern; } System.out.println(passwordMessage); break; case NOTIFY_LINK: String link = ((ParameterInfoNotifyLink) parameterInfo).getLink(); System.out.println("Please confirm this login link on another device: " + link); System.out.println(); try { System.out.println(QrCodeTerminal.getQr(link)); System.out.println(); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError ex) { LOG.warn("QR code library is missing!" + " Please add the following dependency to your project:"); } resultCons.accept(""); return; case TERMS_OF_SERVICE: TermsOfService tos = ((ParameterInfoTermsOfService) parameterInfo).getTermsOfService(); question = "Terms of service:\n\t" + tos.text.text; if (tos.minUserAge > 0) { question += "\n\tMinimum user age: " + tos.minUserAge; } if (tos.showPopup) { question += "\nPlease press enter."; trim = true; } else { System.out.println(question); resultCons.accept(""); return; } break; default: question = parameter.toString(); break; } String result = ScannerUtils.askParameter(who, question); if (trim) { resultCons.accept(result.trim()); } else { resultCons.accept(result); } }); }); } }