package it.tdlight.client; import it.tdlight.common.utils.ScannerUtils; import java.util.Locale; import; final class ConsoleInteractiveAuthenticationData implements AuthenticationData { private static final Object LOCK = new Object(); private boolean initialized = false; private boolean isBot; private String botToken; private long phoneNumber; public ConsoleInteractiveAuthenticationData() { } public void askData() { initializeIfNeeded(); } @Override public boolean isBot() { initializeIfNeeded(); return isBot; } @Override public long getUserPhoneNumber() { initializeIfNeeded(); if (isBot) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This is not a user"); } return phoneNumber; } @Override public String getBotToken() { initializeIfNeeded(); if (!isBot) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This is not a bot"); } return botToken; } private void initializeIfNeeded() { if (initialized) return; synchronized (LOCK) { if (initialized) return; String choice; // Choose login type Boolean useBotToken; do { choice = ScannerUtils .askParameter("login", "Do you want to login using a bot [token] or a [phone] number? [token/phone]") .trim() .toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); if ("phone".equals(choice)) { useBotToken = false; } else if ("token".equals(choice)) { useBotToken = true; } else { useBotToken = null; } } while (useBotToken == null); if (useBotToken) { String token; do { token = ScannerUtils.askParameter("login", "Please type the bot token"); } while (token.length() < 5 || !token.contains(":")); this.isBot = true; this.phoneNumber = -1; this.botToken = token; } else { String phoneNumber; do { phoneNumber = ScannerUtils.askParameter("login", "Please type your phone number"); } while (phoneNumber.length() < 3); long phoneNumberLong = Long.parseLong(phoneNumber.chars().filter(Character::isDigit).boxed().collect(Collector.of( StringBuilder::new, StringBuilder::append, StringBuilder::append, StringBuilder::toString))); this.isBot = false; this.phoneNumber = phoneNumberLong; this.botToken = null; } initialized = true; } } }