name: Generate and Deploy Swagger Docs on Github Pages on: push: branches: - master paths: - tdlight-api-openapi.yaml workflow_dispatch: jobs: docs: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Get latest swagger version id: swagger-ui run: | echo ::set-output name=release_tag::$(curl -sL | jq -r ".tag_name") - name: Generate Docs env: RELEASE_TAG: ${{ steps.swagger-ui.outputs.release_tag }} SWAGGER_YAML: "tdlight-api-openapi.yaml" TITLE: "tdlight Telegram bot API docs" run: | mkdir docs cp -r icons/ docs/icons/ cp tdlight-api-openapi.yaml docs/tdlight-api-openapi.yaml cp build.html docs/build.html cd docs # Download the release curl -sL -o $RELEASE_TAG$RELEASE_TAG # Extract the dist directory tar -xzf $RELEASE_TAG --strip-components=1 $(tar -tzf $RELEASE_TAG | head -1 | cut -f1 -d"/")/dist rm $RELEASE_TAG # Move index.html mv dist/index.html . # Fix references in index.html sed -i "s||$SWAGGER_YAML|g" index.html sed -i "s|href=\"./|href=\"dist/|g" index.html sed -i "s|src=\"./|src=\"dist/|g" index.html sed -i "s|dist/favicon|icons/favicon|g" index.html sed -i "s|<title>.*</title>|<title>$TITLE</title>|g" index.html - name: Deploy uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3 with: github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} publish_dir: ./docs