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// Copyright Aliaksei Levin (levlam@telegram.org), Arseny Smirnov (arseny30@gmail.com) 2014-2021
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include "telegram-bot-api/Query.h"
#include "telegram-bot-api/Stats.h"
#include "td/actor/actor.h"
#include "td/utils/format.h"
#include "td/utils/logging.h"
#include "td/utils/misc.h"
#include "td/utils/port/IPAddress.h"
#include "td/utils/SliceBuilder.h"
#include "td/utils/Time.h"
#include <numeric>
namespace telegram_bot_api {
td::FlatHashMap<td::string, td::unique_ptr<td::VirtuallyJsonable>> empty_parameters;
Query::Query(td::vector<td::BufferSlice> &&container, td::Slice token, bool is_test_dc, td::MutableSlice method,
td::vector<std::pair<td::MutableSlice, td::MutableSlice>> &&args,
td::vector<std::pair<td::MutableSlice, td::MutableSlice>> &&headers, td::vector<td::HttpFile> &&files,
std::shared_ptr<SharedData> shared_data, const td::IPAddress &peer_address, bool is_internal)
: state_(State::Query)
, shared_data_(shared_data)
, peer_address_(peer_address)
, container_(std::move(container))
, token_(token)
, is_test_dc_(is_test_dc)
, method_(method)
, args_(std::move(args))
, headers_(std::move(headers))
, files_(std::move(files))
, is_internal_(is_internal) {
if (method_.empty()) {
method_ = arg("method");
start_timestamp_ = td::Time::now();
LOG(INFO) << "QUERY: create " << td::tag("ptr", this) << *this;
if (shared_data_) {
shared_data_->query_count_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (method_ != "getupdates") {
shared_data_->query_list_size_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
td::int64 Query::query_size() const {
return std::accumulate(
container_.begin(), container_.end(), td::int64{0},
[](td::int64 acc, const td::BufferSlice &slice) { return static_cast<td::int64>(acc + slice.size()); });
td::int64 Query::files_size() const {
return std::accumulate(files_.begin(), files_.end(), td::int64{0},
[](td::int64 acc, const td::HttpFile &file) { return acc + file.size; });
td::int64 Query::files_max_size() const {
return std::accumulate(files_.begin(), files_.end(), td::int64{0},
[](td::int64 acc, const td::HttpFile &file) { return td::max(acc, file.size); });
void Query::set_stat_actor(td::ActorId<BotStatActor> stat_actor) {
stat_actor_ = stat_actor;
void Query::set_ok(td::BufferSlice result) {
CHECK(state_ == State::Query);
LOG(INFO) << "QUERY: got ok " << td::tag("ptr", this) << td::tag("text", result.as_slice());
answer_ = std::move(result);
state_ = State::OK;
http_status_code_ = 200;
void Query::set_error(int http_status_code, td::BufferSlice result) {
LOG(INFO) << "QUERY: got error " << td::tag("ptr", this) << td::tag("code", http_status_code)
<< td::tag("text", result.as_slice());
CHECK(state_ == State::Query);
answer_ = std::move(result);
state_ = State::Error;
http_status_code_ = http_status_code;
void Query::set_retry_after_error(int retry_after) {
retry_after_ = retry_after;
td::FlatHashMap<td::string, td::unique_ptr<td::VirtuallyJsonable>> parameters;
parameters.emplace("retry_after", td::make_unique<td::VirtuallyJsonableLong>(retry_after));
set_error(429, td::json_encode<td::BufferSlice>(
JsonQueryError(429, PSLICE() << "Too Many Requests: retry after " << retry_after, parameters)));
td::StringBuilder &operator<<(td::StringBuilder &sb, const Query &query) {
auto padded_time =
td::lpad(PSTRING() << td::format::as_time(td::Time::now_cached() - query.start_timestamp()), 10, ' ');
sb << "[bot" << td::rpad(query.token().str(), 46, ' ') << "][time:" << padded_time << ']'
<< td::tag("method", td::lpad(query.method().str(), 20, ' '));
if (!query.args().empty()) {
sb << td::oneline(PSLICE() << query.args());
if (!query.files().empty()) {
sb << query.files();
return sb;
void Query::send_request_stat() const {
if (stat_actor_.empty()) {
send_closure(stat_actor_, &BotStatActor::add_event<ServerBotStat::Request>,
ServerBotStat::Request{query_size(), file_count(), files_size(), files_max_size()}, td::Time::now());
void Query::send_response_stat() const {
auto now = td::Time::now();
if (now - start_timestamp_ >= 100.0 && !is_internal_) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Answer too old query with code " << http_status_code_ << " and answer size " << answer_.size()
<< ": " << *this;
if (stat_actor_.empty()) {
send_closure(stat_actor_, &BotStatActor::add_event<ServerBotStat::Response>,
ServerBotStat::Response{state_ == State::OK, answer_.size(), files_size()}, now);
} // namespace telegram_bot_api