* **disable_minithumbnails** (true/**false**) This setting removes minithumbnails everywhere. It reduces memory usage because tdlib keeps them in RAM
* **disable_document_filenames** (true/**false**) If you don't care about having the original filenames of every file stored in RAM, you can disable them using this option. It reduces memory usage
* **disable_notifications** (true/**false**) In TDLib pending notification updates are stored in ram until you "read" them. This option disables completely notifications and keeps the pending notifications queue empty, reducing memory usage
* **ignore_update_chat_last_message** (true/**false**) If you don't care about have updateChatLastMessage updates enable this
* **ignore_update_chat_read_inbox** (true/**false**) If you don't care about have updateChatReadInbox updates enable this
* **ignore_update_user_chat_action** (true/**false**) If you don't care about have updateUserChatAction updates enable this
* **ignore_server_deletes_and_reads** (true/**false**) If you don't care about receiving read receipts and remote deletes from other users, enable this, it will reduce memory usage
* **delete_chat_reference_after_seconds** (positive number) During cleanup, free the memory of the chats that have not been touched for more than X seconds
* **delete_user_reference_after_seconds** (positive number) During cleanup, free the memory of the users that have not been touched for more than X seconds
* **delete_file_reference_after_seconds** (positive number) During cleanup, free the memory of the files that have not been touched for more than X seconds
* **enable_pull_based_backpressure** (true/**false**) Enable manual `get_channel_difference` execution by calling `getChannelDifference(channel_difference_id)`.
Don't modify this option unless you have a very large bot that struggles to keep up with start-up updates throughput, or you want to implement a pull-based async library.
2. Disable internet connection using *TdApi.SetNetworkType(TdApi.NetworkTypeNone)*
2. Call *TdApi.OptimizeMemory*
3. After calling *TdApi.OptimizeMemory* you must:
1.**NOT** use the old file ids because they have been deleted! (Example: If you receive the file 12 after OptimizeMemory is not the same file 12 that you received before *TdApi.OptimizeMemory*, because the id 12 has been reused)
2. Re-enable internet connection using *TdApi.SetNetworkType(TdApi.NetworkTypeOther)*
### TdApi.GetMemoryStatistics
This method is used to read the size of all the biggest data maps inside tdlib implementation.
The output contains a string that can be parsed as a JSON.
⚠️ If you use the databases, TDLight memory cleanup feature will be automatically disabled, because databases will lose some data when cleaning up the memory.
TDLib (Telegram Database library) is a cross-platform library for building [Telegram](https://telegram.org) clients. It can be easily used from almost any programming language.
* **Cross-platform**: `TDLib` can be used on Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, illumos, Windows Phone, WebAssembly, watchOS, tvOS, Tizen, Cygwin. It should also work on other *nix systems with or without minimal effort.
* **Multilanguage**: `TDLib` can be easily used with any programming language that is able to execute C functions. Additionally it already has native Java (using `JNI`) bindings and .NET (using `C++/CLI` and `C++/CX`) bindings.
* **High-performance**: in the [Telegram Bot API](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api), each `TDLib` instance handles more than 24000 active bots simultaneously.
See the [td_api.tl](https://github.com/tdlib/td/blob/master/td/generate/scheme/td_api.tl) scheme or the automatically generated [HTML documentation](https://core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/td__api_8h.html)
for a list of all available `TDLib` [methods](https://core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/classtd_1_1td__api_1_1_function.html) and [classes](https://core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/classtd_1_1td__api_1_1_object.html).
* Build `TDLib` with CMake as explained in [building](#building). You will likely need to manually specify path to the installed OpenSSL to CMake, e.g.,
* Download and install [gperf](https://sourceforge.net/projects/gnuwin32/files/gperf/3.0.1/). Add the path to gperf.exe to the PATH environment variable.
* Td::TdJson, Td::TdJsonStatic— dynamic and static version of a JSON interface. This has a simple C interface, so it can be easily used with any programming language that is able to execute C functions.
See [td_json_client](https://core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/td__json__client_8h.html) and [td_log](https://core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/td__log_8h.html) documentation for more information.
* Td::TdStatic — static library with C++ interface for general usage.
See [Client](https://core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/classtd_1_1_client.html) and [Log](https://core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/classtd_1_1_log.html) documentation for more information.
See [ClientActor](https://core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/classtd_1_1_client_actor.html) and [Log](https://core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/classtd_1_1_log.html) documentation for more information.
See [example/java](https://github.com/tdlib/td/tree/master/example/java) for example of using `TDLib` from Java and detailed build and usage instructions.
.NET Core supports `C++/CLI` only since version 3.1 and only on Windows, so if older .NET Core is used or portability is needed, then `TDLib` JSON interface should be used through P/Invoke instead.
See [example/csharp](https://github.com/tdlib/td/tree/master/example/csharp) for example of using `TDLib` from C# and detailed build and usage instructions.
See [example/uwp](https://github.com/tdlib/td/tree/master/example/uwp) for example of using `TDLib` from C# UWP application and detailed build and usage instructions for Visual Studio Extension "TDLib for Universal Windows Platform".
When `TDLib` is built with `TD_ENABLE_DOTNET` option enabled, `C++` documentation is removed from some files. You need to checkout these files to return `C++` documentation back:
But for most use cases we suggest to use the JSON interface, which can be easily used with any programming language that is able to execute C functions.
See [td_json_client](https://core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/td__json__client_8h.html) and [td_log](https://core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/td__log_8h.html) documentation for detailed JSON interface description,
the [td_api.tl](https://github.com/tdlib/td/blob/master/td/generate/scheme/td_api.tl) scheme or the automatically generated [HTML documentation](https://core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/td__api_8h.html) for a list of
all available `TDLib` [methods](https://core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/classtd_1_1td__api_1_1_function.html) and [classes](https://core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/classtd_1_1td__api_1_1_object.html).
`TDLib` JSON interface adheres to semantic versioning and versions with the same major version number are binary and backward compatible, but the underlying `TDLib` API can be different for different minor and even patch versions.
If you need to support different `TDLib` versions, then you can use a value of the `version` option to find exact `TDLib` version to use appropriate API methods.