If you are looking for documentation of all available TDLib methods, see the [td_api.tl](https://github.com/tdlight-team/tdlight/blob/master/td/generate/scheme/td_api.tl) scheme or the
automatically generated [HTML documentation](https://core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/td__api_8h.html) for a list of all available TDLib
[methods](https://core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/classtd_1_1td__api_1_1_function.html) and [classes](https://core.telegram.org/tdlib/docs/classtd_1_1td__api_1_1_object.html).
Also take a look at our [Getting Started](https://core.telegram.org/tdlib/getting-started) tutorial for a description of basic TDLib concepts.
TDLib can be easily used from almost any programming language on any platform. See a [TDLib build instructions generator](https://tdlib.github.io/td/build.html) for detailed instructions on how to build TDLib.
The wrapper uses the full power of asyncio, has a good documentation and has several examples. It can be installed through pip or used in a Docker container.
If you want to use TDLib with asyncio and Python >= 3.9, take a look at [aiotdlib](https://github.com/pylakey/aiotdlib) or [Pytdbot](https://github.com/pytdbot/client).
[tdlib-python](https://github.com/JunaidBabu/tdlib-python), or [Python Wrapper TDLib](https://github.com/alvhix/pywtdlib) for some basic examples of TDLib JSON interface integration with Python.
TDLib can be compiled to WebAssembly or asm.js and used in a browser from JavaScript. See [tdweb](https://github.com/tdlight-team/tdlight/tree/master/example/web) as a convenient wrapper for TDLib in a browser
See also [Svelte-tdweb-starter](https://github.com/gennadypolakov/svelte-tdweb-starter) - Svelte wrapper for tdweb, and [Telegram-Photoframe](https://github.com/lukefx/telegram-photoframe) - a web application that displays your prefered group or channel as Photoframe.
For example, take a look at [Airgram](https://github.com/airgram/airgram) – modern TDLib framework for TypeScript/JavaScript, or
at [tdl](https://github.com/Bannerets/tdl), which provides a convenient, fully-asynchronous interface for interaction with TDLib and contains a bunch of examples.
You can also see [TdNode](https://github.com/puppy0cam/TdNode), [tglib](https://github.com/nodegin/tglib), [node-tdlib](https://github.com/wfjsw/node-tdlib), [tdlnode](https://github.com/fonbah/tdlnode),
[Paper Plane](https://github.com/par6n/paper-plane), or [node-tlg](https://github.com/dilongfa/node-tlg) for other examples of TDLib JSON interface integration with Node.js.
TDLib can be used from the Go programming language through the [JSON](https://github.com/tdlib/td#using-json) interface and Cgo, and can be linked either statically or dynamically.
Convenient Go wrappers already exist for our JSON interface.
For example, take a look at [go-tdlib](https://github.com/zelenin/go-tdlib) or [go-tdlib](https://github.com/Arman92/go-tdlib), which provide a convenient TDLib client, a generator for TDLib API classes and contain many examples.
See [example/java](https://github.com/tdlight-team/tdlight/tree/master/example/java) for an example of using TDLib from desktop Java along with detailed building and usage instructions.
See [example/uwp](https://github.com/tdlight-team/tdlight/tree/master/example/uwp) for an example of building TDLib SDK for the Universal Windows Platform and an example of its usage from C#.
See [example/csharp](https://github.com/tdlight-team/tdlight/tree/master/example/csharp) for an example of building TDLib with `C++/CLI` support and an example of TDLib usage from C# on Windows.
If you want to write a cross-platform C# application using .NET Core, see [tdsharp](https://github.com/egramtel/tdsharp). It uses our [JSON](https://github.com/tdlib/td#using-json) interface,
Also see [Unigram](https://github.com/UnigramDev/Unigram), which is a full-featured client rewritten from scratch in C# using TDLib SDK for Universal Windows Platform in less than 2 months,
[egram.tel](https://github.com/egramtel/egram.tel) – a cross-platform Telegram client written in C#, .NET Core, ReactiveUI and Avalonia, or
[telewear](https://github.com/telewear/telewear) - a Telegram client for Samsung watches.
[td_example.cpp](https://github.com/tdlight-team/tdlight/blob/master/example/cpp/td_example.cpp) contains an example of authorization, processing new incoming messages, getting a list of chats and sending a text message.
See also the source code of [Fernschreiber](https://github.com/Wunderfitz/harbour-fernschreiber) and [Depecher](https://github.com/blacksailer/depecher) – Telegram apps for Sailfish OS,
[TELEports](https://gitlab.com/ubports/development/apps/teleports) – a Qt-client for Ubuntu Touch, [tdlib-purple](https://github.com/ars3niy/tdlib-purple) - Telegram plugin for Pidgin,
or [MeeGram](https://github.com/qtinsider/meegram2) - a Telegram client for Nokia N9,
[TDLib Native Sciter Extension](https://github.com/EricKotato/TDLibNSE) - a Sciter native extension for TDLib's JSON interface, all of which are based on TDLib.
TDLib can be used from the Swift programming language through the [JSON](https://github.com/tdlib/td#using-json) interface and can be linked statically or dynamically.
See [TDLibKit](https://github.com/Swiftgram/TDLibKit), [tdlib-swift](https://github.com/modestman/tdlib-swift), or [TDLib-iOS](https://github.com/leoMehlig/TDLib-iOS), which provide convenient TDLib clients with automatically generated and fully-documented classes for all TDLib API methods and objects.
See also the source code of [Moc](https://github.com/mock-foundation/moc) - a native and powerful macOS and iPadOS Telegram client, optimized for moderating large communities and personal use.
TDLib can be used from the Objective-C programming language through [JSON](https://github.com/tdlib/td#using-json) interface and can be linked statically or dynamically.
TDLib can be used from the Dart programming language through the [JSON](https://github.com/tdlib/td#using-json) interface and a Dart Native Extension or Dart FFI.
See [tdlib-dart](https://github.com/ivk1800/tdlib-dart), which provide convenient TDLib client with automatically generated and fully-documented classes for all TDLib API methods and objects.
See also [dart_tdlib](https://github.com/periodicaidan/dart_tdlib), [flutter_libtdjson](https://github.com/up9cloud/flutter_libtdjson), [Dart wrapper for TDLib](https://github.com/tdlib/td/pull/708/commits/237060abd4c205768153180e9f814298d1aa9d49), or [tdlib_bindings](https://github.com/lesnitsky/tdlib_bindings) for an example of a TDLib Dart bindings through FFI.
See [Telegram Client library](https://github.com/azkadev/telegram_client), [project.scarlet](https://github.com/aaugmentum/project.scarlet), [tdlib](https://github.com/i-Naji/tdlib),
[tdlib-dart](https://github.com/drewpayment/tdlib-dart), [FluGram](https://github.com/triedcatched/tdlib-dart), or [telegram-service](https://github.com/igorder-dev/telegram-service) for examples of using TDLib from Dart.
See also [telegram-flutter](https://github.com/ivk1800/telegram-flutter) - Telegram client written in Dart, and [f-Telegram](https://github.com/evgfilim1/ftg) - Flutter Telegram client.
See [rust-tdlib](https://github.com/aCLr/rust-tdlib), or [tdlib](https://github.com/melix99/tdlib-rs), which provide convenient TDLib clients with automatically generated and fully-documented classes for all TDLib API methods and objects.
See [rtdlib](https://github.com/fewensa/rtdlib), [tdlib-rs](https://github.com/d653/tdlib-rs), [tdlib-futures](https://github.com/yuri91/tdlib-futures),
[tdlib-sys](https://github.com/nuxeh/tdlib-sys), [tdjson-rs](https://github.com/mersinvald/tdjson-rs), [rust-tdlib](https://github.com/vhaoran/rust-tdlib), or [tdlib-json-sys](https://github.com/aykxt/tdlib-json-sys) for examples of TDLib Rust bindings.
If you use modern PHP >= 7.4, you can use TDLib via a PHP FFI extension. For example, take a look at [ffi-tdlib](https://github.com/aurimasniekis/php-ffi-tdlib), or [tdlib-php-ffi](https://github.com/thisismzm/tdlib-php-ffi) - FFI-based TDLib wrappers.
See [phptdlib](https://github.com/yaroslavche/phptdlib), [tdlib](https://github.com/aurimasniekis/php-ext-tdlib), or [PIF-TDPony](https://github.com/danog/pif-tdpony)
for examples of such extensions which provide access to TDLib from PHP.
TDLib can be used from the Crystal programming language through the [JSON](https://github.com/tdlib/td#using-json) interface.
See [Proton](https://github.com/protoncr/proton) for examples of Crystal bindings with automatically generated types for all TDLib API methods and objects.
## Using TDLib in Haskell projects
TDLib can be used from the Haskell programming language.
See [haskell-tdlib](https://github.com/mejgun/haskell-tdlib) or [tdlib](https://github.com/poscat0x04/tdlib) for examples of such usage and Haskell wrappers for TDLib.
This library contains automatically generated Haskell types for all TDLib API methods and objects.
## Using TDLib in Nim projects
TDLib can be used from the Nim programming language.
See [telenim](https://github.com/Yardanico/telenim) for example of such usage and a Nim wrapper for TDLib.
See [TDLib bindings for 1С:Enterprise](https://github.com/Infactum/telegram-native) and [e1c.tAgents](https://github.com/fedbka/e1c.tAgents) for examples of such usage.
TDLib can be used from the C programming language through the [JSON](https://github.com/tdlib/td#using-json) interface and can be linked statically or dynamically.
You can also try to use our [C](https://github.com/tdlight-team/tdlight/blob/master/td/telegram/td_c_client.h) client, which was used by the private TDLib-based version of [telegram-cli](https://github.com/vysheng/tg).
You can use TDLib from any other programming language using [tdbot](https://github.com/vysheng/tdbot) or [TDLib JSON CLI](https://github.com/oott123/tdlib-json-cli),
which provide a command line tool for interaction with TDLIb using the [JSON](https://github.com/tdlib/td#using-json) interface through stdin and stdout.
You can use this method to use TDLib, for example, from Brainfuck (unfortunately, we haven't seen examples of sending a Telegram message through TDLib on Brainfuck yet).
Alternatively, you can use the TDLib [JSON](https://github.com/tdlib/td#using-json) interface directly from your programming language.
Feel free to create an issue, if you have created a valuable TDLib binding or a TDLib client in some programming language and want it to be added to this list of examples.