Add TDLib 1.7.0 Change Log.

This commit is contained in:
levlam 2020-11-19 23:39:01 +03:00
parent 09b10c0ed1
commit e719f9bf9b

View File

@ -1,3 +1,348 @@
Changes in 1.7.0:
* Added a new simplified JSON interface in which updates and responses to requests from all TDLib instances
are received in the same thread:
- The TDLib instance is identified by the unique `client_id` identifier, which is returned by the method
- Use the method `td_send` to send a request to a specified client. The TDLib instance is created on the first
request sent to it.
- Use the method `td_receive` to receive updates and request responses from TDLib. The response will contain
the identifier of the client from which the event was received in the field "@client_id".
- Use the method `td_execute` to synchronously execute suitable TDLib methods.
* Added support for adding chats to more than one chat list:
- Added the class `chatPosition`, describing the position of the chat within a chat list.
- Replaced the fields `chat_list`, `order`, `is_sponsored` and `is_pinned` in the class `chat` with
the field `positions`, containing a list of the chat positions in various chat list.
- Replaced the field `order` with the field `positions` in the updates `updateChatLastMessage` and
- Added the update `updateChatPosition`.
- Removed the superfluous updates `updateChatChatList`, `updateChatIsSponsored`, `updateChatOrder` and
- Added the parameter `chat_list` to the method `toggleChatIsPinned`.
- Added the class `chatLists`, containing a list of chat lists.
- Added the method `getChatListsToAddChat`, returning all chat lists to which a chat can be added.
- Added the method `addChatToList`, which can be used to add a chat to a chat list.
- Remove the method `setChatChatList`.
* Added support for chat filters:
- Added the new chat list type `chatListFilter`.
- Added the classes `chatFilterInfo` and `chatFilter`, describing a filter of user chats.
- Added the update `updateChatFilters`, which is sent when the list of chat filters is changed.
- Added the methods `createChatFilter`, `editChatFilter` and `deleteChatFilter` for managing chat filters.
- Added the method `reorderChatFilters` for changing the order of chat filters.
- Added the method `getChatFilter`, returning full information about a chat filter.
- Added the synchronous method `getChatFilterDefaultIconName`.
- Added the classes `recommendedChatFilter` and `recommendedChatFilters`.
- Added the method `getRecommendedChatFilters`, returning a list of recommended chat filters.
* Added support for messages sent on behalf of chats instead of users:
- Added the class `MessageSender`, representing a user or a chat which sent a message.
- Added the class `MessageSenders`, representing a list of message senders.
- Replaced the field `sender_user_id` with the field `sender` of the type `MessageSender` in the classes `message`
and `notificationTypeNewPushMessage`.
- Added the class `messageForwardOriginChat`, which describe a chat as the original sender of a message.
- Added the ability to search messages sent by a chat by replacing the parameter `sender_user_id` with
the parameter `sender` of the type `MessageSender` in the method `searchChatMessages`.
- Added the ability to specify a chat as a local message sender by replacing the parameter `sender_user_id` with
the parameter `sender` of the type `MessageSender` in the method `addLocalMessage`.
* Added support for video calls:
- Added the class `callServer`, describing a server for relaying call data.
- Added the classes `callServerTypeTelegramReflector` and `callServerTypeWebrtc`, representing different types of
supported call servers.
- Replaced the field `connections` with the field `servers` in the class `callStateReady`.
- Removed the class `callConnection`.
- Added the update `updateNewCallSignalingData`.
- Added the method `sendCallSignalingData`.
- Added the field `supports_video_calls` to the class `userFullInfo`.
- Added the field `is_video` to the class `messageCall`.
- Added the field `is_video` to the class `call`.
- Added the parameter `is_video` to the method `createCall`.
- Added the parameter `is_video` to the method `discardCall`.
- Added two new types of call problems `callProblemDistortedVideo` and `callProblemPixelatedVideo`.
- Added the field `library_versions` to the class `callProtocol`, which must be used to specify all supported
call library versions.
* Added support for multiple pinned messages and the ability to pin messages in private chats:
- Added the ability to pin messages in all private chats.
- Added the ability to pin mutiple messages in all chats.
- Added the field `is_pinned` to the class `message`.
- Added the update `updateMessageIsPinned`.
- Added the parameter `only_for_self` to the method `pinChatMessage`, allowing to pin messages in private chats for
one side only.
- Added the ability to find pinned messages in a chat using the filter `searchMessagesFilterPinned`.
- Added the parameter `message_id` to the method `unpinChatMessage`.
- Added the field `message` to the class `chatEventMessageUnpinned`.
- Added the method `unpinAllChatMessages`, which can be used to simultaneously unpin all pinned messages in a chat.
- Documented that notifications about new pinned messages are always silent in channels and private chats.
- The method `getChatPinnedMessage` now returns the newest pinned message in the chat.
- Removed the field `pinned_message_id` from the class `chat`.
- Removed the update `updateChatPinnedMessage`.
* Improved thumbnail representation and added support for animated MPEG4 thumbnails:
- Added the class `ThumbnailFormat`, representing the various supported thumbnail formats.
- Added the class `thumbnail`, containing information about a thumbnail.
- Changed the type of all thumbnail fields from `photoSize` to `thumbnail`.
- Added support for thumbnails in the format `thumbnailFormatMpeg4` for some animations and videos.
- Replaced the classes `inputInlineQueryResultAnimatedGif` and `inputInlineQueryResultAnimatedMpeg4` with
the generic class `inputInlineQueryResultAnimation`.
- Added support for animated thumbnails in the class `inputInlineQueryResultAnimation`.
- The class `photoSize` is now only used for JPEG images.
* Improved support for user profile photos and chat photos:
- Added the field `photo` to the class `userFullInfo`, containing full information about the user photo.
- Added the field `photo` to the class `basicGroupFullInfo`, containing full information about the group photo.
- Added the field `photo` to the class `supergroupFullInfo`, containing full information about the group photo.
- Renamed the class `chatPhoto` to `chatPhotoInfo`.
- Added the field `has_animation` to the classes `profilePhoto` and `chatPhotoInfo`, which is set to true for
animated chat photos.
- Added the classes `chatPhoto` and `chatPhotos`.
- Added minithumbnail support via the field `minithumbnail` in the class `chatPhoto`.
- Added the class `animatedChatPhoto`.
- Added animated chat photo support via the field `animation` in the class `chatPhoto`.
- Removed the classes `userProfilePhoto` and `userProfilePhotos`.
- Changed the type of the field `photo` in the class `messageChatChangePhoto` to `chatPhoto`.
- Changed the type of the fields `old_photo` and `new_photo` in the class `chatEventPhotoChanged` to `chatPhoto`.
- Changed the return type of the method `getUserProfilePhotos` to `chatPhotos`.
- Added the class `InputChatPhoto`, representing a chat or a profile photo to set.
- Changed the type of the parameter `photo` in the methods `setProfilePhoto` and `setChatPhoto` to
the `InputChatPhoto`.
- Added the ability to explicitly re-use previously set profile photos using the class `inputChatPhotoPrevious`.
- Added the ability to set animated chat photos using the class `inputChatPhotoAnimated`.
* Added support for message threads in supergroups and channel comments:
- Added the field `message_thread_id` to the class `message`.
- Added the class `messageThreadInfo`, containing information about a message thread.
- Added the class `messageReplyInfo`, containing information about replies to a message.
- Added the field `reply_info` to the class `messageInteractionInfo`, containing information about message replies.
- Added the field `can_get_message_thread` to the class `message`.
- Added the method `getMessageThread`, returning information about the message thread to which a message belongs.
- Added the method `getMessageThreadHistory`, returning messages belonging to a message thread.
- Added the parameter `message_thread_id` to the methods `sendMessage`, `sendMessageAlbum` and
`sendInlineQueryResultMessage` for sending messages within a thread.
- Added the parameter `message_thread_id` to the method `searchChatMessages` to search messages within a thread.
- Added the parameter `message_thread_id` to the method `viewMessages`.
- Added the parameter `message_thread_id` to the method `setChatDraftMessage`.
- Added the parameter `message_thread_id` to the method `sendChatAction` to send chat actions to a thread.
- Added the field `message_thread_id` to the update `updateUserChatAction`.
* Improved support for message albums:
- Added support for sending and receiving messages of the types `messageAudio` and `messageDocument` as albums.
- Added automatic grouping into audio or document albums in the method `forwardMessages` if all forwarded or
copied messages are of the same type.
- Removed the parameter `as_album` from the method `forwardMessages`. Forwarded message albums are now determined
* Simplified usage of methods generating an HTTP link to a message:
- Added the class `messageLink`, representing an HTTP link to a message.
- Combined the methods `getPublicMessageLink` and `getMessageLink` into the method `getMessageLink`, which
now returns a public link to the message if possible and a private link otherwise. The combined method is
an offline method now.
- Added the parameter `for_comment` to the method `getMessageLink`, which allows to get a message link to the message
that opens it in a thread.
- Removed the class `publicMessageLink`.
- Added the field `for_comment` to the class `messageLinkInfo`.
- Added the separate method `getMessageEmbeddingCode`, returning an HTML code for embedding a message.
* Added the ability to block private messages sent via the @replies bot from chats:
- Added the field `is_blocked` to the class `chat`.
- Added the update `updateChatIsBlocked`.
- Added the method `blockMessageSenderFromReplies`.
- Replaced the methods `blockUser` and `unblockUser` with the method `toggleMessageSenderIsBlocked`.
- Replaced the method `getBlockedUsers` with the method `getBlockedMessageSenders`.
* Added support for incoming messages which are replies to messages in different chats:
- Added the field `reply_in_chat_id` to the class `message`.
- The method `getRepliedMessage` can now return the replied message in a different chat.
* Renamed the class `sendMessageOptions` to `messageSendOptions`.
* Added the new `tdapi` static library, which needs to be additionally linked in when static linking is used.
* Changed the type of the field `value` in the class `optionValueInteger` from `int32` to `int64`.
* Changed the type of the field `description` in the class `webPage` from `string` to `formattedText`.
* Improved Instant View support:
- Added the field `view_count` to the class `webPageInstantView`.
- Added the class `richTextAnchorLink`, containing a link to an anchor on the same page.
- Added the class `richTextReference`, containing a reference to a text on the same page.
- Removed the field `text` from the class `richTextAnchor`.
- Removed the field `url` which is no longer needed from the class `webPageInstantView`.
* Allowed the update `updateServiceNotification` to be sent before authorization is completed.
* Disallowed to pass messages in non-strictly increasing order to the method `forwardMessages`.
* Improved sending copies of messages:
- Added the class `messageCopyOptions` and the field `copy_options` to the class `inputMessageForwarded`.
- Removed the fields `send_copy` and `remove_caption` from the class `inputMessageForwarded`.
- Allowed to replace captions in copied messages using the fields `replace_caption` and `new_caption` in
the class `messageCopyOptions`.
- Allowed to specify `reply_to_message_id` when sending a copy of a message.
- Allowed to specify `reply_markup` when sending a copy of a message.
* Allowed passing multiple input language codes to `searchEmojis` by replacing the parameter `input_language_code` with
the parameter `input_language_codes`.
* Added support for public service announcements:
- Added the class `ChatSource` and the field `source` to the class `chatPosition`.
- Added the new type of chat source `chatSourcePublicServiceAnnouncement`.
- Added the field `public_service_announcement_type` to the class `messageForwardInfo`.
* Added support for previewing of private supergroups and channels by their invite link.
- The field `chat_id` in the class `chatInviteLinkInfo` is now non-zero for private supergroups and channels to which
the temporary read access is granted.
- Added the field `accessible_for` to the class `chatInviteLinkInfo`, containing the amount of time for which
read access to the chat will remain available.
* Improved methods for message search:
- Replaced the field `next_from_search_id` with a string field `next_offset` in the class `foundMessages`.
- Added the field `total_count` to the class `foundMessages`; can be -1 if the total count of matching messages is
- Replaced the parameter `from_search_id` with the parameter `offset` in the method `searchSecretMessages`.
- Added the parameter `filter` to the method `searchMessages`.
- Added the parameters `min_date` and `max_date` to the method `searchMessages` to search messages sent only within
a particular timeframe.
* Added pkg-config file generation for all installed libraries.
* Added automatic operating system version detection. Use an empty field `system_version` in
the class `tdlibParameters` for the automatic detection.
* Increased maximum file size from 1500 MB to 2000 MB.
* Added support for human-friendly Markdown formatting:
- Added the synchronous method `parseMarkdown` for human-friendly parsing of text entities.
- Added the synchronous method `getMarkdownText` for replacing text entities with a human-friendly
Markdown formatting.
- Added the writable option "always_parse_markdown" which enables automatic parsing of text entities in
all `inputMessageText` objects.
* Added support for dice with random values in messages:
- Added the class `messageDice` to the types of message content; contains a dice.
- Added the class `DiceStickers`, containing animated stickers needed to show the dice.
- Added the class `inputMessageDice` to the types of new input message content; can be used to send a dice.
- Added the update `updateDiceEmojis`, containing information about supported dice emojis.
* Added support for chat statistics in channels and supergroups:
- Added the field `can_get_statistics` to the class `supergroupFullInfo`.
- Added the class `ChatStatistics`, which represents a supergroup or a channel statistics.
- Added the method `getChatStatistics` returning detailed statistics about a chat.
- Added the classes `chatStatisticsMessageInteractionInfo`, `chatStatisticsAdministratorActionsInfo`,
`chatStatisticsMessageSenderInfo` and `chatStatisticsInviterInfo` representing various parts of chat statistics.
- Added the class `statisticalValue` describing recent changes of a statistical value.
- Added the class `StatisticalGraph` describing a statistical graph.
- Added the method `getStatisticalGraph`, which can be used for loading asynchronous or zoomed in statistical graphs.
- Added the class `dateRange` representing a date range for which statistics are available.
- Removed the field `can_view_statistics` from the class `supergroupFullInfo` and marked
the method `getChatStatisticsUrl` as disabled and not working.
* Added support for detailed statistics about interactions with messages:
- Added the class `messageInteractionInfo`, containing information about message views, forwards and replies.
- Added the field `interaction_info` to the class `message`.
- Added the update `updateMessageInteractionInfo`.
- Added the field `can_get_statistics` to the class `message`.
- Added the class `messageStatistics`.
- Added the method `getMessageStatistics`.
- Added the method `getMessagePublicForwards`, returning all forwards of a message to public channels.
- Removed the now superfluous field `views` from the class `message`.
- Removed the now superfluous update `updateMessageViews`.
* Improved support for native polls:
- Added the field `explanation` to the class `pollTypeQuiz`.
- Added the fields `close_date` and `open_period` to the class `poll`.
- Added the fields `close_date` and `open_period` to the class `inputMessagePoll`; for bots only.
- Increased maximum poll question length to 300 characters for bots.
* Added support for anonymous administrators in supergroups:
- Added the field `is_anonymous` to the classes `chatMemberStatusCreator` and `chatMemberStatusAdministrator`.
- The field `author_signature` in the class `message` can now contain a custom title of the anonymous administrator
that sent the message.
* Added support for a new type of inline keyboard buttons, requiring user password entry:
- Added the class `inlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackWithPassword`, representing a button requiring password entry from
a user.
- Added the class `callbackQueryPayloadDataWithPassword`, representing new type of callback button payload,
which must be used for the buttons of the type `inlineKeyboardButtonTypeCallbackWithPassword`.
* Added support for making the location of the user public:
- Added the writable option "is_location_visible" to allow other users see location of the current user.
- Added the method `setLocation`, which should be called if `getOption("is_location_visible")` is true and location
changes by more than 1 kilometer.
* Improved Notification API:
- Added the field `sender_name` to the class `notificationTypeNewPushMessage`.
- Added the writable option "disable_sent_scheduled_message_notifications" for disabling notifications about
outgoing scheduled messages that were sent.
- Added the field `is_outgoing` to the class `notificationTypeNewPushMessage` for recognizing
outgoing scheduled messages that were sent.
- Added the fields `has_audios` and `has_documents` to the class `pushMessageContentMediaAlbum`.
* Added the field `date` to the class `draftMessage`.
* Added the update `updateStickerSet`, which is sent after a sticker set is changed.
* Added support for pagination in trending sticker sets:
- Added the parameters `offset` and `limit` to the method `getTrendingStickerSets`.
- Changed the field `sticker_sets` in the update `updateTrendingStickerSets` to contain only the prefix of
trending sticker sets.
* Messages that failed to send can now be found using the filter `searchMessagesFilterFailedToSend`.
* Added the ability to disable automatic server-side file type detection using the new field
`disable_content_type_detection` of the class `inputMessageDocument`.
* Improved chat action bar:
- Added the field `can_unarchive` to the classes `chatActionBarReportSpam` and `chatActionBarReportAddBlock`,
which is true whenever the chat was automatically archived.
- Added the field `distance` to the class `chatActionBarReportAddBlock`,
which denotes the distance between the users.
* Added support for actions suggested to the user by the server:
- Added the class `SuggestedAction`, representing possible actions suggested by the server.
- Added the update `updateSuggestedActions`.
- Added the method `hideSuggestedAction`, which can be used to dismiss a suggested action.
* Supported attaching stickers to animations:
- Added the field `has_stickers` to the class `animation`.
- Added the field `added_sticker_file_ids` to the class `inputMessageAnimation`.
* Added methods for phone number formatting:
- Added the class `countryInfo`, describing a country.
- Added the class `countries`, containing a list of countries.
- Added the method `getCountries`, returning a list of all existing countries.
- Added the class `phonenumberinfo` and the method `getPhoneNumberInfo`, which can be used to format a phone number
according to local rules.
* Improved location support:
- Added the field `horizontal_accuracy` to the class `location`.
- Added the field `heading` to the classes `messageLocation` and `inputMessageLocation` for live locations.
- Added the parameter `heading` to the methods `editMessageLiveLocation` and `editInlineMessageLiveLocation`.
* Added support for proximity alerts in live locations:
- Added the field `proximity_alert_radius` to the classes `messageLocation` and `inputMessageLocation`.
- Added the parameter `proximity_alert_radius` to the methods `editMessageLiveLocation` and
- Added the new message content `messageProximityAlertTriggered`, received whenever a proximity alert is triggered.
* Added `CentOS 7` and `CentOS 8` operating systems to the
[TDLib build instructions generator](
* Added the CMake configuration option TD_ENABLE_MULTI_PROCESSOR_COMPILATION, which can be used to enable parallel
build with MSVC.
* Added support for sending and receiving messages in secret chats with silent notifications.
* Added the field `progressive_sizes` to the class `photo` to allow partial progressive JPEG photo download.
* Added the field `redirect_stderr` to the class `logStreamFile` to allow explicit control over stderr redirection to
the log file.
* Added the writable option "archive_and_mute_new_chats_from_unknown_users", which can be used to automatically archive
and mute new chats from non-contacts. The option can be set only if the change was suggested by the server.
* Added the writable option "message_unload_delay", which can be used to change the minimum delay before messages are
unloaded from the memory.
* Added the writable option "disable_persistent_network_statistics", which can be used to disable persistent
network usage statistics, significantly reducing disk usage.
* Added the writable option "disable_time_adjustment_protection", which can be used to disable protection from
external time adjustment, significantly reducing disk usage.
* Added the writable option "ignore_default_disable_notification" to allow the application to manually specify the
`disable_notification` option each time when sending messages instead of following the default per-chat settings.
* Added the read-only option "telegram_service_notifications_chat_id", containing the identifier of
the Telegram service notifications chat.
* Added the read-only option "replies_bot_chat_id", containing the identifier of the @replies bot.
* Added the read-only option "group_anonymous_bot_user_id", containing the identifier of the bot which is shown as
the sender of anonymous group messages when viewed from an outdated client.
* Added the new venue provider value "gplaces" for Google Places.
* Added the parameter `return_deleted_file_statistics` to the method `optimizeStorage` to return information about
the files that were deleted instead of the ones that were not.
* Added the ability to search for supergroup members to mention by their name and username:
- Added the new filter `supergroupMembersFilterMention` for the method `getSupergroupMembers`.
- Added the new filter `chatMembersFilterMention` for the method `searchChatMembers`.
* Added support for highlighting bank card numbers:
- Added the new text entity `textEntityTypeBankCardNumber`.
- Added the classes `bankCardInfo` and `bankCardActionOpenUrl`, containing information about a bank card.
- Added the method `getBankCardInfo`, returning information about a bank card.
* Improved methods for managing sticker sets by bots:
- Added the method `setStickerSetThumbnail`.
- Added the ability to create new animated sticker sets and add new stickers to them by adding
the class `inputStickerAnimated`.
- Renamed the class `inputSticker` to `inputStickerStatic`.
- Renamed the field `png_sticker` to `sticker` in the class `inputStickerStatic`.
* Added the method `setCommands` for bots.
* Added the method `getCallbackQueryMessage` for bots.
* Added support for starting bots in private chats through `sendBotStartMessage`.
* Added the field `total_count` to the class `chats`. The field should have a precise value for the responses of
the methods `getChats`, `searchChats` and `getGroupsInCommon`.
* Added the update `updateAnimationSearchParameters`, containing information about animation search parameters.
* Documented that `getRepliedMessage` can be used to get a pinned message, a game message, or an invoice message for
messages of the types `messagePinMessage`, `messageGameScore`, and `messagePaymentSuccessful` respectively.
* Added guarantees that the field `member_count` in the class `supergroup` is known if the supergroup was received from
the methods `searchChatsNearby`, `getInactiveSupergroupChats`, `getSuitableDiscussionChats`, `getGroupsInCommon`, or
* Updated SQLCipher to 4.4.0.
* Updated dependencies in the prebuilt TDLib for Android:
- Updated SDK to SDK 30.
- Updated NDK to r21d, which dropped support for 32-bit ARM devices without Neon support.
* Updated recommended `emsdk` version for `tdweb` building to the 2.0.6.
* Removed the ability to change the update handler after client creation in native .NET binding, Java example and
prebuilt library for Android.
* Removed the ability to change the default exception handler after client creation in Java example and
prebuilt library for Android.
* Removed the ability to close Client using close() method in Java example and prebuilt library for Android.
Use the method TdApi.close() instead.
Changes in 1.6.0 (31 Jan 2020):
* Added support for multiple chat lists. Currently, only two chat lists Main and Archive are supported: