// // Copyright Aliaksei Levin (levlam@telegram.org), Arseny Smirnov (arseny30@gmail.com) 2014-2024 // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // #pragma once #include "td/utils/bits.h" #include "td/utils/common.h" #include "td/utils/fixed_vector.h" #include "td/utils/HashTableUtils.h" #include "td/utils/MapNode.h" #include "td/utils/SetNode.h" #include <cstddef> #include <functional> #include <initializer_list> #include <iterator> #include <limits> #include <utility> #if defined(__SSE2__) || (TD_MSVC && (defined(_M_X64) || (defined(_M_IX86) && _M_IX86_FP >= 2))) #define TD_SSE2 1 #endif #ifdef __aarch64__ #include <arm_neon.h> #endif #if TD_SSE2 #include <emmintrin.h> #endif namespace td { template <int shift> struct MaskIterator { uint64 mask; explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return mask != 0; } int pos() const { return count_trailing_zeroes64(mask) / shift; } void next() { mask &= mask - 1; } // For foreach bool operator!=(MaskIterator &other) const { return mask != other.mask; } auto operator*() const { return pos(); } void operator++() { next(); } auto begin() { return *this; } auto end() { return MaskIterator{0u}; } }; struct MaskPortable { static MaskIterator<1> equal_mask(uint8 *bytes, uint8 needle) { uint64 res = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { res |= (bytes[i] == needle) << i; } return {res & ((1u << 14) - 1)}; } }; #ifdef __aarch64__ struct MaskNeonFolly { static MaskIterator<4> equal_mask(uint8 *bytes, uint8 needle) { uint8x16_t input_mask = vld1q_u8(bytes); auto needle_mask = vdupq_n_u8(needle); auto eq_mask = vceqq_u8(input_mask, needle_mask); // get info from every byte into the bottom half of every uint16 // by shifting right 4, then round to get it into a 64-bit vector uint8x8_t shifted_eq_mask = vshrn_n_u16(vreinterpretq_u16_u8(eq_mask), 4); uint64 mask = vget_lane_u64(vreinterpret_u64_u8(shifted_eq_mask), 0); return {mask & 0x11111111111111}; } }; struct MaskNeon { static MaskIterator<1> equal_mask(uint8 *bytes, uint8 needle) { uint8x16_t input_mask = vld1q_u8(bytes); auto needle_mask = vdupq_n_u8(needle); auto eq_mask = vceqq_u8(input_mask, needle_mask); uint16x8_t MASK = vdupq_n_u16(0x180); uint16x8_t a_masked = vandq_u16(vreinterpretq_u16_u8(eq_mask), MASK); const int16 __attribute__((aligned(16))) SHIFT_ARR[8] = {-7, -5, -3, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7}; int16x8_t SHIFT = vld1q_s16(SHIFT_ARR); uint16x8_t a_shifted = vshlq_u16(a_masked, SHIFT); return {vaddvq_u16(a_shifted) & ((1u << 14) - 1)}; } }; #elif TD_SSE2 struct MaskSse2 { static MaskIterator<1> equal_mask(uint8 *bytes, uint8 needle) { auto input_mask = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i *>(bytes)); auto needle_mask = _mm_set1_epi8(needle); auto match_mask = _mm_cmpeq_epi8(needle_mask, input_mask); return {static_cast<uint32>(_mm_movemask_epi8(match_mask)) & ((1u << 14) - 1)}; } }; #endif #ifdef __aarch64__ using MaskHelper = MaskNeonFolly; #elif TD_SSE2 using MaskHelper = MaskSse2; #else using MaskHelper = MaskPortable; #endif template <class NodeT, class HashT, class EqT> class FlatHashTableChunks { public: using Self = FlatHashTableChunks<NodeT, HashT, EqT>; using Node = NodeT; using NodeIterator = typename fixed_vector<Node>::iterator; using ConstNodeIterator = typename fixed_vector<Node>::const_iterator; using KeyT = typename Node::public_key_type; using key_type = typename Node::public_key_type; using value_type = typename Node::public_type; struct Iterator { using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag; using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; using value_type = FlatHashTableChunks::value_type; using pointer = value_type *; using reference = value_type &; friend class FlatHashTableChunks; Iterator &operator++() { do { ++it_; } while (it_ != map_->nodes_.end() && it_->empty()); return *this; } Iterator &operator--() { do { --it_; } while (it_->empty()); return *this; } reference operator*() { return it_->get_public(); } pointer operator->() { return &it_->get_public(); } bool operator==(const Iterator &other) const { DCHECK(map_ == other.map_); return it_ == other.it_; } bool operator!=(const Iterator &other) const { DCHECK(map_ == other.map_); return it_ != other.it_; } Iterator() = default; Iterator(NodeIterator it, Self *map) : it_(std::move(it)), map_(map) { } private: NodeIterator it_; Self *map_; }; struct ConstIterator { using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag; using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t; using value_type = FlatHashTableChunks::value_type; using pointer = const value_type *; using reference = const value_type &; friend class FlatHashTableChunks; ConstIterator &operator++() { ++it_; return *this; } ConstIterator &operator--() { --it_; return *this; } reference operator*() { return *it_; } pointer operator->() { return &*it_; } bool operator==(const ConstIterator &other) const { return it_ == other.it_; } bool operator!=(const ConstIterator &other) const { return it_ != other.it_; } ConstIterator() = default; ConstIterator(Iterator it) : it_(std::move(it)) { } private: Iterator it_; }; using iterator = Iterator; using const_iterator = ConstIterator; FlatHashTableChunks() = default; FlatHashTableChunks(const FlatHashTableChunks &other) { assign(other); } FlatHashTableChunks &operator=(const FlatHashTableChunks &other) { clear(); assign(other); return *this; } FlatHashTableChunks(std::initializer_list<Node> nodes) { reserve(nodes.size()); for (auto &new_node : nodes) { CHECK(!new_node.empty()); if (count(new_node.key()) > 0) { continue; } Node node; node.copy_from(new_node); emplace_node(std::move(node)); } } FlatHashTableChunks(FlatHashTableChunks &&other) noexcept { swap(other); } FlatHashTableChunks &operator=(FlatHashTableChunks &&other) noexcept { swap(other); return *this; } void swap(FlatHashTableChunks &other) noexcept { nodes_.swap(other.nodes_); chunks_.swap(other.chunks_); std::swap(used_nodes_, other.used_nodes_); } ~FlatHashTableChunks() = default; size_t bucket_count() const { return nodes_.size(); } Iterator find(const KeyT &key) { if (empty() || is_hash_table_key_empty(key)) { return end(); } const auto hash = calc_hash(key); auto chunk_it = get_chunk_it(hash.chunk_i); while (true) { auto chunk_i = chunk_it.pos(); auto chunk_begin = nodes_.begin() + chunk_i * Chunk::CHUNK_SIZE; //__builtin_prefetch(chunk_begin); auto &chunk = chunks_[chunk_i]; auto mask_it = MaskHelper::equal_mask(chunk.ctrl, hash.small_hash); for (auto pos : mask_it) { auto it = chunk_begin + pos; if (likely(EqT()(it->key(), key))) { return Iterator{it, this}; } } if (chunk.skipped_cnt == 0) { break; } chunk_it.next(); } return end(); } ConstIterator find(const KeyT &key) const { return ConstIterator(const_cast<Self *>(this)->find(key)); } size_t size() const { return used_nodes_; } bool empty() const { return size() == 0; } Iterator begin() { if (empty()) { return end(); } auto it = nodes_.begin(); while (it->empty()) { ++it; } return Iterator(it, this); } Iterator end() { return Iterator(nodes_.end(), this); } ConstIterator begin() const { return ConstIterator(const_cast<Self *>(this)->begin()); } ConstIterator end() const { return ConstIterator(const_cast<Self *>(this)->end()); } void reserve(size_t size) { //size_t want_size = normalize(size * 5 / 3 + 1); size_t want_size = normalize(size * 14 / 12 + 1); // size_t want_size = size * 2; if (want_size > nodes_.size()) { resize(want_size); } } template <class... ArgsT> std::pair<Iterator, bool> emplace(KeyT key, ArgsT &&...args) { CHECK(!is_hash_table_key_empty(key)); auto it = find(key); if (it != end()) { return {it, false}; } try_grow(); auto hash = calc_hash(key); auto chunk_it = get_chunk_it(hash.chunk_i); while (true) { auto chunk_i = chunk_it.pos(); auto &chunk = chunks_[chunk_i]; auto mask_it = MaskHelper::equal_mask(chunk.ctrl, 0); if (mask_it) { auto shift = mask_it.pos(); DCHECK(chunk.ctrl[shift] == 0); auto node_it = nodes_.begin() + shift + chunk_i * Chunk::CHUNK_SIZE; DCHECK(node_it->empty()); node_it->emplace(std::move(key), std::forward<ArgsT>(args)...); DCHECK(!node_it->empty()); chunk.ctrl[shift] = hash.small_hash; used_nodes_++; return {{node_it, this}, true}; } CHECK(chunk.skipped_cnt != std::numeric_limits<uint16>::max()); chunk.skipped_cnt++; chunk_it.next(); } } std::pair<Iterator, bool> insert(KeyT key) { return emplace(std::move(key)); } template <class ItT> void insert(ItT begin, ItT end) { for (; begin != end; ++begin) { emplace(*begin); } } template <class T = typename Node::second_type> T &operator[](const KeyT &key) { return emplace(key).first->second; } size_t erase(const KeyT &key) { auto it = find(key); if (it == end()) { return 0; } erase(it); try_shrink(); return 1; } size_t count(const KeyT &key) const { return find(key) != end(); } void clear() { used_nodes_ = 0; nodes_ = {}; chunks_ = {}; } void erase(Iterator it) { DCHECK(it != end()); DCHECK(!it.it_->empty()); erase_node(it.it_); } template <class F> void remove_if(F &&f) { for (auto it = nodes_.begin(), end = nodes_.end(); it != end; ++it) { if (!it->empty() && f(it->get_public())) { erase_node(it); } } try_shrink(); } private: struct Chunk { static constexpr int CHUNK_SIZE = 14; static constexpr int MASK = (1 << CHUNK_SIZE) - 1; // 0x0 - empty uint8 ctrl[CHUNK_SIZE] = {}; uint16 skipped_cnt{0}; }; fixed_vector<Node> nodes_; fixed_vector<Chunk> chunks_; size_t used_nodes_{}; void assign(const FlatHashTableChunks &other) { reserve(other.size()); for (const auto &new_node : other) { Node node; node.copy_from(new_node); emplace_node(std::move(node)); } } void try_grow() { if (should_grow(used_nodes_ + 1, nodes_.size())) { grow(); } } static bool should_grow(size_t used_count, size_t bucket_count) { return used_count * 14 > bucket_count * 12; } void try_shrink() { if (should_shrink(used_nodes_, nodes_.size())) { shrink(); } } static bool should_shrink(size_t used_count, size_t bucket_count) { return used_count * 10 < bucket_count; } static size_t normalize(size_t size) { auto x = (size / Chunk::CHUNK_SIZE) | 1; auto y = static_cast<size_t>(1) << (64 - count_leading_zeroes64(x)); return y * Chunk::CHUNK_SIZE; } void shrink() { size_t want_size = normalize((used_nodes_ + 1) * 5 / 3 + 1); resize(want_size); } void grow() { size_t want_size = normalize(2 * nodes_.size() - !nodes_.empty()); resize(want_size); } struct HashInfo { size_t chunk_i; uint8 small_hash; }; struct ChunkIt { size_t chunk_i; size_t chunk_mask; size_t shift; size_t pos() const { return chunk_i; } void next() { DCHECK((chunk_mask & (chunk_mask + 1)) == 0); shift++; chunk_i += shift; chunk_i &= chunk_mask; } }; ChunkIt get_chunk_it(size_t chunk_i) { return ChunkIt{chunk_i, chunks_.size() - 1, 0}; } HashInfo calc_hash(const KeyT &key) { auto h = HashT()(key); return {(h >> 8) % chunks_.size(), static_cast<uint8>(0x80 | h)}; } void resize(size_t new_size) { CHECK(new_size >= Chunk::CHUNK_SIZE); fixed_vector<Node> old_nodes(new_size); fixed_vector<Chunk> chunks(new_size / Chunk::CHUNK_SIZE); old_nodes.swap(nodes_); chunks_ = std::move(chunks); used_nodes_ = 0; for (auto &node : old_nodes) { if (node.empty()) { continue; } emplace_node(std::move(node)); } } void emplace_node(Node &&node) { DCHECK(!node.empty()); auto hash = calc_hash(node.key()); auto chunk_it = get_chunk_it(hash.chunk_i); while (true) { auto chunk_i = chunk_it.pos(); auto &chunk = chunks_[chunk_i]; auto mask_it = MaskHelper::equal_mask(chunk.ctrl, 0); if (mask_it) { auto shift = mask_it.pos(); auto node_it = nodes_.begin() + shift + chunk_i * Chunk::CHUNK_SIZE; DCHECK(node_it->empty()); *node_it = std::move(node); DCHECK(chunk.ctrl[shift] == 0); chunk.ctrl[shift] = hash.small_hash; DCHECK(chunk.ctrl[shift] != 0); used_nodes_++; break; } CHECK(chunk.skipped_cnt != std::numeric_limits<uint16>::max()); chunk.skipped_cnt++; chunk_it.next(); } } void next_bucket(size_t &bucket) const { bucket++; if (unlikely(bucket == nodes_.size())) { bucket = 0; } } void erase_node(NodeIterator it) { DCHECK(!it->empty()); size_t empty_i = it - nodes_.begin(); DCHECK(0 <= empty_i && empty_i < nodes_.size()); auto empty_chunk_i = empty_i / Chunk::CHUNK_SIZE; auto hash = calc_hash(it->key()); auto chunk_it = get_chunk_it(hash.chunk_i); while (true) { auto chunk_i = chunk_it.pos(); auto &chunk = chunks_[chunk_i]; if (chunk_i == empty_chunk_i) { chunk.ctrl[empty_i - empty_chunk_i * Chunk::CHUNK_SIZE] = 0; break; } chunk.skipped_cnt--; chunk_it.next(); } it->clear(); used_nodes_--; } }; template <class KeyT, class ValueT, class HashT = Hash<KeyT>, class EqT = std::equal_to<KeyT>> using FlatHashMapChunks = FlatHashTableChunks<MapNode<KeyT, ValueT>, HashT, EqT>; template <class KeyT, class HashT = Hash<KeyT>, class EqT = std::equal_to<KeyT>> using FlatHashSetChunks = FlatHashTableChunks<SetNode<KeyT>, HashT, EqT>; template <class NodeT, class HashT, class EqT, class FuncT> void table_remove_if(FlatHashTableChunks<NodeT, HashT, EqT> &table, FuncT &&func) { table.remove_if(func); } } // namespace td