// // Copyright Aliaksei Levin (levlam@telegram.org), Arseny Smirnov (arseny30@gmail.com) 2014-2018 // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // #include "td/mtproto/Transport.h" #include "td/mtproto/AuthKey.h" #include "td/mtproto/crypto.h" #include "td/utils/crypto.h" #include "td/utils/format.h" #include "td/utils/logging.h" #include "td/utils/Random.h" #include "td/utils/Status.h" #include <array> namespace td { namespace mtproto { // mtproto v1.0 template <class HeaderT> std::tuple<uint32, UInt128> Transport::calc_message_ack_and_key(const HeaderT &head, size_t data_size) { Slice part(head.encrypt_begin(), head.data + data_size); UInt<160> message_sha1; sha1(part, message_sha1.raw); return std::make_tuple(as<uint32>(message_sha1.raw) | (1u << 31), as<UInt128>(message_sha1.raw + 4)); } template <class HeaderT> size_t Transport::calc_crypto_size(size_t data_size) { size_t enc_size = HeaderT::encrypted_header_size(); size_t raw_size = sizeof(HeaderT) - enc_size; return raw_size + ((enc_size + data_size + 15) & ~15); } // mtproto v2.0 std::tuple<uint32, UInt128> Transport::calc_message_key2(const AuthKey &auth_key, int X, Slice to_encrypt) { // msg_key_large = SHA256 (substr (auth_key, 88+x, 32) + plaintext + random_padding); Sha256State state; sha256_init(&state); sha256_update(Slice(auth_key.key()).substr(88 + X, 32), &state); sha256_update(to_encrypt, &state); uint8 msg_key_large_raw[32]; MutableSlice msg_key_large(msg_key_large_raw, sizeof(msg_key_large_raw)); sha256_final(&state, msg_key_large); // msg_key = substr (msg_key_large, 8, 16); UInt128 res_raw; MutableSlice res(res_raw.raw, sizeof(res_raw.raw)); res.copy_from(msg_key_large.substr(8, 16)); return std::make_tuple(as<uint32>(msg_key_large_raw) | (1u << 31), res_raw); } template <class HeaderT> size_t Transport::calc_crypto_size2(size_t data_size) { size_t enc_size = HeaderT::encrypted_header_size(); size_t raw_size = sizeof(HeaderT) - enc_size; size_t encrypted_size = (enc_size + data_size + 12 + 15) & ~15; std::array<size_t, 10> sizes{{64, 128, 192, 256, 384, 512, 768, 1024, 1280}}; for (auto size : sizes) { if (encrypted_size <= size) { return raw_size + size; } } encrypted_size = (encrypted_size - 1280 + 447) / 448 * 448 + 1280; return raw_size + encrypted_size; } size_t Transport::calc_no_crypto_size(size_t data_size) { return sizeof(NoCryptoHeader) + data_size; } Status Transport::read_no_crypto(MutableSlice message, PacketInfo *info, MutableSlice *data) { if (message.size() < sizeof(NoCryptoHeader)) { return Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Invalid mtproto message: too small [message.size()=" << message.size() << "] < [sizeof(NoCryptoHeader) = " << sizeof(NoCryptoHeader) << "]"); } auto &header = as<NoCryptoHeader>(message.begin()); size_t data_size = message.size() - sizeof(NoCryptoHeader); CHECK(message.size() == calc_no_crypto_size(data_size)); *data = MutableSlice(header.data, data_size); return Status::OK(); } template <class HeaderT, class PrefixT> Status Transport::read_crypto_impl(int X, MutableSlice message, const AuthKey &auth_key, HeaderT **header_ptr, PrefixT **prefix_ptr, MutableSlice *data, PacketInfo *info) { if (message.size() < sizeof(HeaderT)) { return Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Invalid mtproto message: too small [message.size()=" << message.size() << "] < [sizeof(HeaderT) = " << sizeof(HeaderT) << "]"); } auto *header = &as<HeaderT>(message.begin()); *header_ptr = header; auto to_decrypt = MutableSlice(header->encrypt_begin(), message.uend()); if (to_decrypt.size() % 16 != 0) { return Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Invalid mtproto message: size of encrypted part is not multiple of 16 [size=" << to_decrypt.size() << "]"); } if (header->auth_key_id != auth_key.id()) { return Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Invalid mtproto message: auth_key_id mismatch [found=" << format::as_hex(header->auth_key_id) << "] [expected=" << format::as_hex(auth_key.id()) << "]"); } UInt256 aes_key; UInt256 aes_iv; if (info->version == 1) { KDF(auth_key.key(), header->message_key, X, &aes_key, &aes_iv); } else { KDF2(auth_key.key(), header->message_key, X, &aes_key, &aes_iv); } aes_ige_decrypt(aes_key, &aes_iv, to_decrypt, to_decrypt); size_t tail_size = message.end() - reinterpret_cast<char *>(header->data); if (tail_size < sizeof(PrefixT)) { return Status::Error("Too small encrypted part"); } auto *prefix = &as<PrefixT>(header->data); *prefix_ptr = prefix; size_t data_size = prefix->message_data_length + sizeof(PrefixT); bool is_length_ok = prefix->message_data_length % 4 == 0; UInt128 real_message_key; if (info->version == 1) { auto expected_size = calc_crypto_size<HeaderT>(data_size); is_length_ok = (is_length_ok & (expected_size == message.size())) != 0; auto check_size = data_size * is_length_ok + tail_size * (1 - is_length_ok); std::tie(info->message_ack, real_message_key) = calc_message_ack_and_key(*header, check_size); } else { size_t pad_size = tail_size - data_size; is_length_ok = (is_length_ok & (tail_size - sizeof(PrefixT) >= prefix->message_data_length) & (12 <= pad_size) & (pad_size <= 1024)) != 0; std::tie(info->message_ack, real_message_key) = calc_message_key2(auth_key, X, to_decrypt); } bool is_key_ok = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(real_message_key.raw); i++) { is_key_ok &= real_message_key.raw[i] == header->message_key.raw[i]; } if (!is_key_ok) { return Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Invalid mtproto message: message_key mismatch [found=" << format::as_hex_dump(header->message_key) << "] [expected=" << format::as_hex_dump(real_message_key) << "]"); } if (!is_length_ok) { return Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Invalid mtproto message: invalid length " << tag("total_size", message.size()) << tag("message_data_length", prefix->message_data_length)); } *data = MutableSlice(header->data, data_size); return Status::OK(); } Status Transport::read_crypto(MutableSlice message, const AuthKey &auth_key, PacketInfo *info, MutableSlice *data) { CryptoHeader *header = nullptr; CryptoPrefix *prefix = nullptr; TRY_STATUS(read_crypto_impl(8, message, auth_key, &header, &prefix, data, info)); CHECK(header != nullptr); CHECK(prefix != nullptr); CHECK(info != nullptr); info->type = PacketInfo::Common; info->salt = header->salt; info->session_id = header->session_id; info->message_id = prefix->message_id; info->seq_no = prefix->seq_no; return Status::OK(); } Status Transport::read_e2e_crypto(MutableSlice message, const AuthKey &auth_key, PacketInfo *info, MutableSlice *data) { EndToEndHeader *header = nullptr; EndToEndPrefix *prefix = nullptr; TRY_STATUS(read_crypto_impl(info->is_creator && info->version != 1 ? 8 : 0, message, auth_key, &header, &prefix, data, info)); CHECK(header != nullptr); CHECK(prefix != nullptr); CHECK(info != nullptr); info->type = PacketInfo::EndToEnd; return Status::OK(); } size_t Transport::write_no_crypto(const Storer &storer, PacketInfo *info, MutableSlice dest) { size_t size = calc_no_crypto_size(storer.size()); if (size > dest.size()) { return size; } auto &header = as<NoCryptoHeader>(dest.begin()); header.auth_key_id = 0; storer.store(header.data); return size; } template <class HeaderT> void Transport::write_crypto_impl(int X, const Storer &storer, const AuthKey &auth_key, PacketInfo *info, HeaderT *header, size_t data_size) { storer.store(header->data); VLOG(raw_mtproto) << "SEND" << format::as_hex_dump<4>(Slice(header->data, data_size)); // LOG(ERROR) << "SEND" << format::as_hex_dump<4>(Slice(header->data, data_size)) << info->version; size_t size = 0; if (info->version == 1) { size = calc_crypto_size<HeaderT>(data_size); } else { size = calc_crypto_size2<HeaderT>(data_size); } size_t pad_size = size - (sizeof(HeaderT) + data_size); MutableSlice pad(header->data + data_size, pad_size); Random::secure_bytes(pad.ubegin(), pad.size()); MutableSlice to_encrypt = MutableSlice(header->encrypt_begin(), pad.uend()); if (info->version == 1) { std::tie(info->message_ack, info->message_key) = calc_message_ack_and_key(*header, data_size); } else { std::tie(info->message_ack, info->message_key) = calc_message_key2(auth_key, X, to_encrypt); } header->message_key = info->message_key; UInt256 aes_key; UInt256 aes_iv; if (info->version == 1) { KDF(auth_key.key(), header->message_key, X, &aes_key, &aes_iv); } else { KDF2(auth_key.key(), header->message_key, X, &aes_key, &aes_iv); } aes_ige_encrypt(aes_key, &aes_iv, to_encrypt, to_encrypt); } size_t Transport::write_crypto(const Storer &storer, const AuthKey &auth_key, PacketInfo *info, MutableSlice dest) { size_t data_size = storer.size(); size_t size; if (info->version == 1) { size = calc_crypto_size<CryptoHeader>(data_size); } else { size = calc_crypto_size2<CryptoHeader>(data_size); } if (size > dest.size()) { return size; } auto &header = as<CryptoHeader>(dest.begin()); header.auth_key_id = auth_key.id(); header.salt = info->salt; header.session_id = info->session_id; write_crypto_impl(0, storer, auth_key, info, &header, data_size); return size; } size_t Transport::write_e2e_crypto(const Storer &storer, const AuthKey &auth_key, PacketInfo *info, MutableSlice dest) { size_t data_size = storer.size(); size_t size; if (info->version == 1) { size = calc_crypto_size<EndToEndHeader>(data_size); } else { size = calc_crypto_size2<EndToEndHeader>(data_size); } if (size > dest.size()) { return size; } auto &header = as<EndToEndHeader>(dest.begin()); header.auth_key_id = auth_key.id(); write_crypto_impl(info->is_creator || info->version == 1 ? 0 : 8, storer, auth_key, info, &header, data_size); return size; } Result<uint64> Transport::read_auth_key_id(Slice message) { if (message.size() < 8) { return Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Invalid mtproto message: smaller than 8 bytes [size=" << message.size() << "]"); } return as<uint64>(message.begin()); } Status Transport::read(MutableSlice message, const AuthKey &auth_key, PacketInfo *info, MutableSlice *data, int32 *error_code) { if (message.size() < 8) { if (message.size() == 4) { *error_code = as<int32>(message.begin()); return Status::OK(); } return Status::Error(PSLICE() << "Invalid mtproto message: smaller than 8 bytes [size=" << message.size() << "]"); } info->auth_key_id = as<int64>(message.begin()); info->no_crypto_flag = info->auth_key_id == 0; if (info->type == PacketInfo::EndToEnd) { return read_e2e_crypto(message, auth_key, info, data); } if (info->no_crypto_flag) { return read_no_crypto(message, info, data); } else { if (auth_key.empty()) { return Status::Error("Failed to decrypt mtproto message: auth key is empty"); } return read_crypto(message, auth_key, info, data); } } size_t Transport::write(const Storer &storer, const AuthKey &auth_key, PacketInfo *info, MutableSlice dest) { if (info->type == PacketInfo::EndToEnd) { return write_e2e_crypto(storer, auth_key, info, dest); } if (info->no_crypto_flag) { return write_no_crypto(storer, info, dest); } else { CHECK(!auth_key.empty()); return write_crypto(storer, auth_key, info, dest); } } } // namespace mtproto } // namespace td