// // Copyright Aliaksei Levin (levlam@telegram.org), Arseny Smirnov (arseny30@gmail.com) 2014-2020 // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // #pragma once #include "td/utils/common.h" #include "td/utils/logging.h" #include "td/utils/port/thread.h" #include #include #include #include namespace td { class MpmcEagerWaiter { public: struct Slot { private: friend class MpmcEagerWaiter; int yields; uint32 worker_id; }; void init_slot(Slot &slot, uint32 worker_id) { slot.yields = 0; slot.worker_id = worker_id; } void wait(Slot &slot) { if (slot.yields < RoundsTillSleepy) { td::this_thread::yield(); slot.yields++; return; } else if (slot.yields == RoundsTillSleepy) { auto state = state_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); if (!State::has_worker(state)) { auto new_state = State::with_worker(state, slot.worker_id); if (state_.compare_exchange_strong(state, new_state, std::memory_order_acq_rel)) { td::this_thread::yield(); slot.yields++; return; } if (state == State::awake()) { slot.yields = 0; return; } } td::this_thread::yield(); slot.yields = 0; return; } else if (slot.yields < RoundsTillAsleep) { auto state = state_.load(std::memory_order_acquire); if (State::still_sleepy(state, slot.worker_id)) { td::this_thread::yield(); slot.yields++; return; } slot.yields = 0; return; } else { auto state = state_.load(std::memory_order_acquire); if (State::still_sleepy(state, slot.worker_id)) { std::unique_lock lock(mutex_); if (state_.compare_exchange_strong(state, State::asleep(), std::memory_order_acq_rel)) { condition_variable_.wait(lock); } } slot.yields = 0; return; } } void stop_wait(Slot &slot) { if (slot.yields > RoundsTillSleepy) { notify_cold(); } slot.yields = 0; return; } void close() { } void notify() { std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_seq_cst); if (state_.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == State::awake()) { return; } notify_cold(); } private: struct State { static constexpr uint32 awake() { return 0; } static constexpr uint32 asleep() { return 1; } static bool is_asleep(uint32 state) { return (state & 1) != 0; } static bool has_worker(uint32 state) { return (state >> 1) != 0; } static int32 with_worker(uint32 state, uint32 worker) { return state | ((worker + 1) << 1); } static bool still_sleepy(uint32 state, uint32 worker) { return (state >> 1) == (worker + 1); } }; enum { RoundsTillSleepy = 32, RoundsTillAsleep = 64 }; // enum { RoundsTillSleepy = 1, RoundsTillAsleep = 2 }; std::atomic state_{State::awake()}; std::mutex mutex_; std::condition_variable condition_variable_; void notify_cold() { auto old_state = state_.exchange(State::awake(), std::memory_order_release); if (State::is_asleep(old_state)) { std::lock_guard guard(mutex_); condition_variable_.notify_all(); } } }; class MpmcSleepyWaiter { public: struct Slot { private: friend class MpmcSleepyWaiter; enum State { Search, Work, Sleep } state_{Work}; void park() { std::unique_lock guard(mutex_); condition_variable_.wait(guard, [&] { return unpark_flag_; }); unpark_flag_ = false; } bool cancel_park() { auto res = unpark_flag_; unpark_flag_ = false; return res; } void unpark() { //TODO: try to unlock guard before notify_all std::unique_lock guard(mutex_); unpark_flag_ = true; condition_variable_.notify_all(); } std::mutex mutex_; std::condition_variable condition_variable_; bool unpark_flag_{false}; // TODO: move out of lock int yield_cnt{0}; int32 worker_id{0}; char padding[TD_CONCURRENCY_PAD]; }; // There are a lot of workers // Each has a slot // // States of a worker: // - searching for work | Search // - processing work | Work // - sleeping | Sleep // // When somebody adds a work it calls notify // // notify // if there are workers in search phase do nothing. // if all workers are awake do nothing // otherwise wake some random worker // // Initially all workers are in Search mode. // // When worker found nothing it may try to call wait. // This may put it in a Sleep for some time. // After wait returns worker will be in Search state again. // // Suppose worker found a work and ready to process it. // Then it may call stop_wait. This will cause transition from // Search to Work state. // // Main invariant: // After notify is called there should be at least on worker in Search or Work state. // If possible - in Search state // void init_slot(Slot &slot, int32 worker_id) { slot.state_ = Slot::State::Work; slot.unpark_flag_ = false; slot.worker_id = worker_id; VLOG(waiter) << "Init slot " << worker_id; } static constexpr int VERBOSITY_NAME(waiter) = VERBOSITY_NAME(DEBUG) + 10; void wait(Slot &slot) { if (slot.state_ == Slot::State::Work) { VLOG(waiter) << "Work -> Search"; state_++; slot.state_ = Slot::State::Search; slot.yield_cnt = 0; return; } if (slot.state_ == Slot::Search) { if (slot.yield_cnt++ < 10 && false) { td::this_thread::yield(); return; } slot.state_ = Slot::State::Sleep; std::unique_lock guard(sleepers_mutex_); auto state_view = StateView(state_.fetch_add((1 << PARKING_SHIFT) - 1)); CHECK(state_view.searching_count != 0); bool should_search = state_view.searching_count == 1; if (closed_) { return; } sleepers_.push_back(&slot); LOG_CHECK(slot.unpark_flag_ == false) << slot.worker_id; VLOG(waiter) << "Add to sleepers " << slot.worker_id; //guard.unlock(); if (should_search) { VLOG(waiter) << "Search -> Search once, then Sleep "; return; } VLOG(waiter) << "Search -> Sleep " << state_view.searching_count << " " << state_view.parked_count; } CHECK(slot.state_ == Slot::State::Sleep); VLOG(waiter) << "Park " << slot.worker_id; slot.park(); VLOG(waiter) << "Resume " << slot.worker_id; slot.state_ = Slot::State::Search; slot.yield_cnt = 0; } void stop_wait(Slot &slot) { if (slot.state_ == Slot::State::Work) { return; } if (slot.state_ == Slot::State::Sleep) { VLOG(waiter) << "Search once, then Sleep -> Work/Search " << slot.worker_id; slot.state_ = Slot::State::Work; std::unique_lock guard(sleepers_mutex_); auto it = std::find(sleepers_.begin(), sleepers_.end(), &slot); if (it != sleepers_.end()) { sleepers_.erase(it); VLOG(waiter) << "Remove from sleepers " << slot.worker_id; state_.fetch_sub((1 << PARKING_SHIFT) - 1); guard.unlock(); } else { guard.unlock(); VLOG(waiter) << "Not in sleepers" << slot.worker_id; CHECK(slot.cancel_park()); } } VLOG(waiter) << "Search once, then Sleep -> Work " << slot.worker_id; slot.state_ = Slot::State::Search; auto state_view = StateView(state_.fetch_sub(1)); CHECK(state_view.searching_count != 0); CHECK(state_view.searching_count < 1000); bool should_notify = state_view.searching_count == 1; if (should_notify) { VLOG(waiter) << "Notify others"; notify(); } VLOG(waiter) << "Search -> Work "; slot.state_ = Slot::State::Work; } void notify() { auto view = StateView(state_.load()); //LOG(ERROR) << view.parked_count; if (view.searching_count > 0 || view.parked_count == 0) { VLOG(waiter) << "Ingore notify: " << view.searching_count << " " << view.parked_count; return; } VLOG(waiter) << "Notify: " << view.searching_count << " " << view.parked_count; std::unique_lock guard(sleepers_mutex_); view = StateView(state_.load()); if (view.searching_count > 0) { VLOG(waiter) << "Skip notify: got searching"; return; } CHECK(view.parked_count == static_cast(sleepers_.size())); if (sleepers_.empty()) { VLOG(waiter) << "Skip notify: no sleepers"; return; } auto sleeper = sleepers_.back(); sleepers_.pop_back(); state_.fetch_sub((1 << PARKING_SHIFT) - 1); VLOG(waiter) << "Unpark " << sleeper->worker_id; sleeper->unpark(); } void close() { StateView state(state_.load()); LOG_CHECK(state.parked_count == 0) << state.parked_count; LOG_CHECK(state.searching_count == 0) << state.searching_count; } private: static constexpr int32 PARKING_SHIFT = 16; struct StateView { int32 parked_count; int32 searching_count; explicit StateView(int32 x) { parked_count = x >> PARKING_SHIFT; searching_count = x & ((1 << PARKING_SHIFT) - 1); } }; std::atomic state_{0}; std::mutex sleepers_mutex_; vector sleepers_; bool closed_ = false; }; using MpmcWaiter = MpmcSleepyWaiter; } // namespace td