// // Copyright Aliaksei Levin (levlam@telegram.org), Arseny Smirnov (arseny30@gmail.com) 2014-2021 // // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying // file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // #include "td/utils/port/UdpSocketFd.h" #include "td/utils/common.h" #include "td/utils/format.h" #include "td/utils/logging.h" #include "td/utils/misc.h" #include "td/utils/port/detail/skip_eintr.h" #include "td/utils/port/PollFlags.h" #include "td/utils/port/SocketFd.h" #include "td/utils/SliceBuilder.h" #include "td/utils/VectorQueue.h" #if TD_PORT_WINDOWS #include "td/utils/port/detail/Iocp.h" #include "td/utils/SpinLock.h" #endif #if TD_PORT_POSIX #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if TD_LINUX #include #endif #endif // TD_PORT_POSIX #include #include #include namespace td { namespace detail { #if TD_PORT_WINDOWS class UdpSocketReceiveHelper { public: void to_native(const UdpMessage &message, WSAMSG &message_header) { socklen_t addr_len{narrow_cast(sizeof(addr_))}; message_header.name = reinterpret_cast(&addr_); message_header.namelen = addr_len; buf_.buf = const_cast(message.data.as_slice().begin()); buf_.len = narrow_cast(message.data.size()); message_header.lpBuffers = &buf_; message_header.dwBufferCount = 1; message_header.Control.buf = nullptr; // control_buf_.data(); message_header.Control.len = 0; // narrow_cast(control_buf_.size()); message_header.dwFlags = 0; } void from_native(WSAMSG &message_header, size_t message_size, UdpMessage &message) { message.address.init_sockaddr(reinterpret_cast(message_header.name), message_header.namelen).ignore(); message.error = Status::OK(); if ((message_header.dwFlags & (MSG_TRUNC | MSG_CTRUNC)) != 0) { message.error = Status::Error(501, "Message too long"); message.data = BufferSlice(); return; } CHECK(message_size <= message.data.size()); message.data.truncate(message_size); CHECK(message_size == message.data.size()); } private: std::array control_buf_; sockaddr_storage addr_; WSABUF buf_; }; class UdpSocketSendHelper { public: void to_native(const UdpMessage &message, WSAMSG &message_header) { message_header.name = const_cast(message.address.get_sockaddr()); message_header.namelen = narrow_cast(message.address.get_sockaddr_len()); buf_.buf = const_cast(message.data.as_slice().begin()); buf_.len = narrow_cast(message.data.size()); message_header.lpBuffers = &buf_; message_header.dwBufferCount = 1; message_header.Control.buf = nullptr; message_header.Control.len = 0; message_header.dwFlags = 0; } private: WSABUF buf_; }; class UdpSocketFdImpl : private Iocp::Callback { public: explicit UdpSocketFdImpl(NativeFd fd) : info_(std::move(fd)) { get_poll_info().add_flags(PollFlags::Write()); Iocp::get()->subscribe(get_native_fd(), this); is_receive_active_ = true; notify_iocp_connected(); } PollableFdInfo &get_poll_info() { return info_; } const PollableFdInfo &get_poll_info() const { return info_; } const NativeFd &get_native_fd() const { return info_.native_fd(); } void close() { notify_iocp_close(); } Result> receive() { auto lock = lock_.lock(); if (!pending_errors_.empty()) { auto status = pending_errors_.pop(); if (!UdpSocketFd::is_critical_read_error(status)) { return UdpMessage{{}, {}, std::move(status)}; } return std::move(status); } if (!receive_queue_.empty()) { return receive_queue_.pop(); } return optional{}; } void send(UdpMessage message) { auto lock = lock_.lock(); send_queue_.push(std::move(message)); } Status flush_send() { if (is_send_waiting_) { auto lock = lock_.lock(); is_send_waiting_ = false; notify_iocp_send(); } return Status::OK(); } private: PollableFdInfo info_; SpinLock lock_; std::atomic refcnt_{1}; bool is_connected_{false}; bool close_flag_{false}; bool is_send_active_{false}; bool is_send_waiting_{false}; VectorQueue send_queue_; WSAOVERLAPPED send_overlapped_; bool is_receive_active_{false}; VectorQueue receive_queue_; VectorQueue pending_errors_; UdpMessage to_receive_; WSAMSG receive_message_; UdpSocketReceiveHelper receive_helper_; static constexpr size_t MAX_PACKET_SIZE = 2048; static constexpr size_t RESERVED_SIZE = MAX_PACKET_SIZE * 8; BufferSlice receive_buffer_; UdpMessage to_send_; WSAOVERLAPPED receive_overlapped_; char close_overlapped_; bool check_status(Slice message) { auto last_error = WSAGetLastError(); if (last_error == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { return true; } on_error(OS_SOCKET_ERROR(message)); return false; } void loop_receive() { CHECK(!is_receive_active_); if (close_flag_) { return; } std::memset(&receive_overlapped_, 0, sizeof(receive_overlapped_)); if (receive_buffer_.size() < MAX_PACKET_SIZE) { receive_buffer_ = BufferSlice(RESERVED_SIZE); } to_receive_.data = receive_buffer_.clone(); receive_helper_.to_native(to_receive_, receive_message_); LPFN_WSARECVMSG WSARecvMsgPtr = nullptr; GUID guid = WSAID_WSARECVMSG; DWORD numBytes; auto error = ::WSAIoctl(get_native_fd().socket(), SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER, static_cast(&guid), sizeof(guid), static_cast(&WSARecvMsgPtr), sizeof(WSARecvMsgPtr), &numBytes, nullptr, nullptr); if (error) { on_error(OS_SOCKET_ERROR("WSAIoctl failed")); return; } auto status = WSARecvMsgPtr(get_native_fd().socket(), &receive_message_, nullptr, &receive_overlapped_, nullptr); if (status == 0 || check_status("WSARecvMsg failed")) { inc_refcnt(); is_receive_active_ = true; } } void loop_send() { CHECK(!is_send_active_); { auto lock = lock_.lock(); if (send_queue_.empty()) { is_send_waiting_ = true; return; } to_send_ = send_queue_.pop(); } std::memset(&send_overlapped_, 0, sizeof(send_overlapped_)); WSAMSG message; UdpSocketSendHelper send_helper; send_helper.to_native(to_send_, message); auto status = WSASendMsg(get_native_fd().socket(), &message, 0, nullptr, &send_overlapped_, nullptr); if (status == 0 || check_status("WSASendMsg failed")) { inc_refcnt(); is_send_active_ = true; } } void on_iocp(Result r_size, WSAOVERLAPPED *overlapped) override { // called from other thread if (dec_refcnt() || close_flag_) { VLOG(fd) << "Ignore IOCP (UDP socket is closing)"; return; } if (r_size.is_error()) { return on_error(get_socket_pending_error(get_native_fd(), overlapped, r_size.move_as_error())); } if (!is_connected_ && overlapped == &receive_overlapped_) { return on_connected(); } auto size = r_size.move_as_ok(); if (overlapped == &send_overlapped_) { return on_send(size); } if (overlapped == nullptr) { CHECK(size == 0); return on_send(size); } if (overlapped == &receive_overlapped_) { return on_receive(size); } if (overlapped == reinterpret_cast(&close_overlapped_)) { return on_close(); } UNREACHABLE(); } void on_error(Status status) { VLOG(fd) << get_native_fd() << " on error " << status; { auto lock = lock_.lock(); pending_errors_.push(std::move(status)); } get_poll_info().add_flags_from_poll(PollFlags::Error()); } void on_connected() { VLOG(fd) << get_native_fd() << " on connected"; CHECK(!is_connected_); CHECK(is_receive_active_); is_connected_ = true; is_receive_active_ = false; loop_receive(); loop_send(); } void on_receive(size_t size) { VLOG(fd) << get_native_fd() << " on receive " << size; CHECK(is_receive_active_); is_receive_active_ = false; receive_helper_.from_native(receive_message_, size, to_receive_); receive_buffer_.confirm_read((to_receive_.data.size() + 7) & ~7); { auto lock = lock_.lock(); // LOG(ERROR) << format::escaped(to_receive_.data.as_slice()); receive_queue_.push(std::move(to_receive_)); } get_poll_info().add_flags_from_poll(PollFlags::Read()); loop_receive(); } void on_send(size_t size) { VLOG(fd) << get_native_fd() << " on send " << size; if (size == 0) { if (is_send_active_) { return; } is_send_active_ = true; } CHECK(is_send_active_); is_send_active_ = false; loop_send(); } void on_close() { VLOG(fd) << get_native_fd() << " on close"; close_flag_ = true; info_.set_native_fd({}); } bool dec_refcnt() { if (--refcnt_ == 0) { delete this; return true; } return false; } void inc_refcnt() { CHECK(refcnt_ != 0); refcnt_++; } void notify_iocp_send() { inc_refcnt(); Iocp::get()->post(0, this, nullptr); } void notify_iocp_close() { Iocp::get()->post(0, this, reinterpret_cast(&close_overlapped_)); } void notify_iocp_connected() { inc_refcnt(); Iocp::get()->post(0, this, reinterpret_cast(&receive_overlapped_)); } }; void UdpSocketFdImplDeleter::operator()(UdpSocketFdImpl *impl) { impl->close(); } #elif TD_PORT_POSIX //struct iovec { [> Scatter/gather array items <] // void *iov_base; [> Starting address <] // size_t iov_len; [> Number of bytes to transfer <] //}; //struct msghdr { // void *msg_name; [> optional address <] // socklen_t msg_namelen; [> size of address <] // struct iovec *msg_iov; [> scatter/gather array <] // size_t msg_iovlen; [> # elements in msg_iov <] // void *msg_control; [> ancillary data, see below <] // size_t msg_controllen; [> ancillary data buffer len <] // int msg_flags; [> flags on received message <] //}; class UdpSocketReceiveHelper { public: void to_native(const UdpSocketFd::InboundMessage &message, msghdr &message_header) { socklen_t addr_len{narrow_cast(sizeof(addr_))}; message_header.msg_name = &addr_; message_header.msg_namelen = addr_len; io_vec_.iov_base = message.data.begin(); io_vec_.iov_len = message.data.size(); message_header.msg_iov = &io_vec_; message_header.msg_iovlen = 1; message_header.msg_control = control_buf_.data(); message_header.msg_controllen = narrow_cast(control_buf_.size()); message_header.msg_flags = 0; } void from_native(msghdr &message_header, size_t message_size, UdpSocketFd::InboundMessage &message) { #if TD_LINUX cmsghdr *cmsg; sock_extended_err *ee = nullptr; for (cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&message_header); cmsg != nullptr; cmsg = CMSG_NXTHDR(&message_header, cmsg)) { if (cmsg->cmsg_type == IP_PKTINFO && cmsg->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IP) { //auto *pi = reinterpret_cast(CMSG_DATA(cmsg)); } else if (cmsg->cmsg_type == IPV6_PKTINFO && cmsg->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IPV6) { //auto *pi = reinterpret_cast(CMSG_DATA(cmsg)); } else if ((cmsg->cmsg_type == IP_RECVERR && cmsg->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IP) || (cmsg->cmsg_type == IPV6_RECVERR && cmsg->cmsg_level == IPPROTO_IPV6)) { ee = reinterpret_cast(CMSG_DATA(cmsg)); } } if (ee != nullptr) { auto *addr = reinterpret_cast(SO_EE_OFFENDER(ee)); IPAddress address; address.init_sockaddr(addr).ignore(); if (message.from != nullptr) { *message.from = address; } if (message.error) { *message.error = Status::PosixError(ee->ee_errno, ""); } //message.data = MutableSlice(); message.data.truncate(0); return; } #endif if (message.from != nullptr) { message.from->init_sockaddr(reinterpret_cast(message_header.msg_name), message_header.msg_namelen) .ignore(); } if (message.error) { *message.error = Status::OK(); } if (message_header.msg_flags & MSG_TRUNC) { if (message.error) { *message.error = Status::Error(501, "Message too long"); } message.data.truncate(0); return; } CHECK(message_size <= message.data.size()); message.data.truncate(message_size); CHECK(message_size == message.data.size()); } private: std::array control_buf_; sockaddr_storage addr_; iovec io_vec_; }; class UdpSocketSendHelper { public: void to_native(const UdpSocketFd::OutboundMessage &message, msghdr &message_header) { CHECK(message.to != nullptr && message.to->is_valid()); message_header.msg_name = const_cast(message.to->get_sockaddr()); message_header.msg_namelen = narrow_cast(message.to->get_sockaddr_len()); io_vec_.iov_base = const_cast(message.data.begin()); io_vec_.iov_len = message.data.size(); message_header.msg_iov = &io_vec_; message_header.msg_iovlen = 1; //TODO message_header.msg_control = nullptr; message_header.msg_controllen = 0; message_header.msg_flags = 0; } private: iovec io_vec_; }; class UdpSocketFdImpl { public: explicit UdpSocketFdImpl(NativeFd fd) : info_(std::move(fd)) { } PollableFdInfo &get_poll_info() { return info_; } const PollableFdInfo &get_poll_info() const { return info_; } const NativeFd &get_native_fd() const { return info_.native_fd(); } Status get_pending_error() { if (!get_poll_info().get_flags_local().has_pending_error()) { return Status::OK(); } TRY_STATUS(detail::get_socket_pending_error(get_native_fd())); get_poll_info().clear_flags(PollFlags::Error()); return Status::OK(); } Status receive_message(UdpSocketFd::InboundMessage &message, bool &is_received) { is_received = false; int flags = 0; if (get_poll_info().get_flags_local().has_pending_error()) { #ifdef MSG_ERRQUEUE flags = MSG_ERRQUEUE; #else return get_pending_error(); #endif } msghdr message_header; detail::UdpSocketReceiveHelper helper; helper.to_native(message, message_header); auto native_fd = get_native_fd().socket(); auto recvmsg_res = detail::skip_eintr([&] { return recvmsg(native_fd, &message_header, flags); }); auto recvmsg_errno = errno; if (recvmsg_res >= 0) { helper.from_native(message_header, recvmsg_res, message); is_received = true; return Status::OK(); } return process_recvmsg_error(recvmsg_errno, is_received); } Status process_recvmsg_error(int recvmsg_errno, bool &is_received) { is_received = false; if (recvmsg_errno == EAGAIN #if EAGAIN != EWOULDBLOCK || recvmsg_errno == EWOULDBLOCK #endif ) { if (get_poll_info().get_flags_local().has_pending_error()) { get_poll_info().clear_flags(PollFlags::Error()); } else { get_poll_info().clear_flags(PollFlags::Read()); } return Status::OK(); } auto error = Status::PosixError(recvmsg_errno, PSLICE() << "Receive from " << get_native_fd() << " has failed"); switch (recvmsg_errno) { case EBADF: case EFAULT: case EINVAL: case ENOTCONN: case ECONNRESET: case ETIMEDOUT: LOG(FATAL) << error; UNREACHABLE(); default: LOG(WARNING) << "Unknown error: " << error; // fallthrough case ENOBUFS: case ENOMEM: #ifdef MSG_ERRQUEUE get_poll_info().add_flags(PollFlags::Error()); #endif return error; } } Status send_message(const UdpSocketFd::OutboundMessage &message, bool &is_sent) { is_sent = false; msghdr message_header; detail::UdpSocketSendHelper helper; helper.to_native(message, message_header); auto native_fd = get_native_fd().socket(); auto sendmsg_res = detail::skip_eintr([&] { return sendmsg(native_fd, &message_header, 0); }); auto sendmsg_errno = errno; if (sendmsg_res >= 0) { is_sent = true; return Status::OK(); } return process_sendmsg_error(sendmsg_errno, is_sent); } Status process_sendmsg_error(int sendmsg_errno, bool &is_sent) { if (sendmsg_errno == EAGAIN #if EAGAIN != EWOULDBLOCK || sendmsg_errno == EWOULDBLOCK #endif ) { get_poll_info().clear_flags(PollFlags::Write()); return Status::OK(); } auto error = Status::PosixError(sendmsg_errno, PSLICE() << "Send from " << get_native_fd() << " has failed"); switch (sendmsg_errno) { // Still may send some other packets, but there is no point to resend this particular message case EACCES: case EMSGSIZE: case EPERM: LOG(WARNING) << "Silently drop packet :( " << error; //TODO: get errors from MSG_ERRQUEUE is possible is_sent = true; return error; // Some general problems, which may be fixed in future case ENOMEM: case EDQUOT: case EFBIG: case ENETDOWN: case ENETUNREACH: case ENOSPC: case EHOSTUNREACH: case ENOBUFS: default: #ifdef MSG_ERRQUEUE get_poll_info().add_flags(PollFlags::Error()); #endif return error; case EBADF: // impossible case ENOTSOCK: // impossible case EPIPE: // impossible for udp case ECONNRESET: // impossible for udp case EDESTADDRREQ: // we checked that address is valid case ENOTCONN: // we checked that address is valid case EINTR: // we already skipped all EINTR case EISCONN: // impossible for udp socket case EOPNOTSUPP: case ENOTDIR: case EFAULT: case EINVAL: case EAFNOSUPPORT: LOG(FATAL) << error; UNREACHABLE(); return error; } } Status send_messages(Span messages, size_t &cnt) { #if TD_HAS_MMSG return send_messages_fast(messages, cnt); #else return send_messages_slow(messages, cnt); #endif } Status receive_messages(MutableSpan messages, size_t &cnt) { #if TD_HAS_MMSG return receive_messages_fast(messages, cnt); #else return receive_messages_slow(messages, cnt); #endif } private: PollableFdInfo info_; Status send_messages_slow(Span messages, size_t &cnt) { cnt = 0; for (auto &message : messages) { CHECK(!message.data.empty()); bool is_sent; auto error = send_message(message, is_sent); cnt += is_sent; TRY_STATUS(std::move(error)); } return Status::OK(); } #if TD_HAS_MMSG Status send_messages_fast(Span messages, size_t &cnt) { //struct mmsghdr { // msghdr msg_hdr; [> Message header <] // unsigned int msg_len; [> Number of bytes transmitted <] //}; std::array helpers; std::array headers; size_t to_send = min(messages.size(), headers.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < to_send; i++) { helpers[i].to_native(messages[i], headers[i].msg_hdr); headers[i].msg_len = 0; } auto native_fd = get_native_fd().socket(); auto sendmmsg_res = detail::skip_eintr([&] { return sendmmsg(native_fd, headers.data(), narrow_cast(to_send), 0); }); auto sendmmsg_errno = errno; if (sendmmsg_res >= 0) { cnt = sendmmsg_res; return Status::OK(); } bool is_sent = false; auto status = process_sendmsg_error(sendmmsg_errno, is_sent); cnt = is_sent; return status; } #endif Status receive_messages_slow(MutableSpan messages, size_t &cnt) { cnt = 0; while (cnt < messages.size() && get_poll_info().get_flags_local().can_read()) { auto &message = messages[cnt]; CHECK(!message.data.empty()); bool is_received; auto error = receive_message(message, is_received); cnt += is_received; TRY_STATUS(std::move(error)); } return Status::OK(); } #if TD_HAS_MMSG Status receive_messages_fast(MutableSpan messages, size_t &cnt) { int flags = 0; cnt = 0; if (get_poll_info().get_flags_local().has_pending_error()) { #ifdef MSG_ERRQUEUE flags = MSG_ERRQUEUE; #else return get_pending_error(); #endif } //struct mmsghdr { // msghdr msg_hdr; [> Message header <] // unsigned int msg_len; [> Number of bytes transmitted <] //}; std::array helpers; std::array headers; size_t to_receive = min(messages.size(), headers.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < to_receive; i++) { helpers[i].to_native(messages[i], headers[i].msg_hdr); headers[i].msg_len = 0; } auto native_fd = get_native_fd().socket(); auto recvmmsg_res = detail::skip_eintr( [&] { return recvmmsg(native_fd, headers.data(), narrow_cast(to_receive), flags, nullptr); }); auto recvmmsg_errno = errno; if (recvmmsg_res >= 0) { cnt = narrow_cast(recvmmsg_res); for (size_t i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { helpers[i].from_native(headers[i].msg_hdr, headers[i].msg_len, messages[i]); } return Status::OK(); } bool is_received; auto status = process_recvmsg_error(recvmmsg_errno, is_received); cnt = is_received; return status; } #endif }; void UdpSocketFdImplDeleter::operator()(UdpSocketFdImpl *impl) { delete impl; } #endif } // namespace detail UdpSocketFd::UdpSocketFd() = default; UdpSocketFd::UdpSocketFd(UdpSocketFd &&) = default; UdpSocketFd &UdpSocketFd::operator=(UdpSocketFd &&) = default; UdpSocketFd::~UdpSocketFd() = default; PollableFdInfo &UdpSocketFd::get_poll_info() { return impl_->get_poll_info(); } const PollableFdInfo &UdpSocketFd::get_poll_info() const { return impl_->get_poll_info(); } Result UdpSocketFd::open(const IPAddress &address) { NativeFd native_fd{socket(address.get_address_family(), SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)}; if (!native_fd) { return OS_SOCKET_ERROR("Failed to create a socket"); } TRY_STATUS(native_fd.set_is_blocking_unsafe(false)); auto sock = native_fd.socket(); #if TD_PORT_POSIX int flags = 1; #elif TD_PORT_WINDOWS BOOL flags = TRUE; #endif setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, reinterpret_cast(&flags), sizeof(flags)); // TODO: SO_REUSEADDR, SO_KEEPALIVE, TCP_NODELAY, SO_SNDBUF, SO_RCVBUF, TCP_QUICKACK, SO_LINGER auto bind_addr = address.get_any_addr(); bind_addr.set_port(address.get_port()); auto e_bind = bind(sock, bind_addr.get_sockaddr(), narrow_cast(bind_addr.get_sockaddr_len())); if (e_bind != 0) { return OS_SOCKET_ERROR("Failed to bind a socket"); } return UdpSocketFd(make_unique(std::move(native_fd))); } UdpSocketFd::UdpSocketFd(unique_ptr impl) : impl_(impl.release()) { } void UdpSocketFd::close() { impl_.reset(); } bool UdpSocketFd::empty() const { return !impl_; } const NativeFd &UdpSocketFd::get_native_fd() const { return get_poll_info().native_fd(); } #if TD_PORT_POSIX static Result maximize_buffer(int socket_fd, int optname, uint32 max) { if (setsockopt(socket_fd, SOL_SOCKET, optname, &max, sizeof(max)) == 0) { // fast path return max; } /* Start with the default size. */ uint32 old_size = 0; socklen_t intsize = sizeof(old_size); if (getsockopt(socket_fd, SOL_SOCKET, optname, &old_size, &intsize)) { return OS_ERROR("getsockopt() failed"); } #if TD_LINUX old_size /= 2; #endif /* Binary-search for the real maximum. */ uint32 last_good = old_size; uint32 min = old_size; while (min <= max) { uint32 avg = min + (max - min) / 2; if (setsockopt(socket_fd, SOL_SOCKET, optname, &avg, sizeof(avg)) == 0) { last_good = avg; min = avg + 1; } else { max = avg - 1; } } return last_good; } Result UdpSocketFd::maximize_snd_buffer(uint32 max) { return maximize_buffer(get_native_fd().fd(), SO_SNDBUF, max == 0 ? DEFAULT_UDP_MAX_SND_BUFFER_SIZE : max); } Result UdpSocketFd::maximize_rcv_buffer(uint32 max) { return maximize_buffer(get_native_fd().fd(), SO_RCVBUF, max == 0 ? DEFAULT_UDP_MAX_RCV_BUFFER_SIZE : max); } #else Result UdpSocketFd::maximize_snd_buffer(uint32 max) { return 0; } Result UdpSocketFd::maximize_rcv_buffer(uint32 max) { return 0; } #endif #if TD_PORT_POSIX Status UdpSocketFd::send_message(const OutboundMessage &message, bool &is_sent) { return impl_->send_message(message, is_sent); } Status UdpSocketFd::receive_message(InboundMessage &message, bool &is_received) { return impl_->receive_message(message, is_received); } Status UdpSocketFd::send_messages(Span messages, size_t &count) { return impl_->send_messages(messages, count); } Status UdpSocketFd::receive_messages(MutableSpan messages, size_t &count) { return impl_->receive_messages(messages, count); } #endif #if TD_PORT_WINDOWS Result> UdpSocketFd::receive() { return impl_->receive(); } void UdpSocketFd::send(UdpMessage message) { return impl_->send(std::move(message)); } Status UdpSocketFd::flush_send() { return impl_->flush_send(); } #endif bool UdpSocketFd::is_critical_read_error(const Status &status) { return status.code() == ENOMEM || status.code() == ENOBUFS; } } // namespace td