// from https://gist.github.com/inexorabletash/52f437d1451d12145264 (function(global) { var channels = []; function BroadcastChannel(channel) { var $this = this; channel = String(channel); var id = '$BroadcastChannel$' + channel + '$'; channels[id] = channels[id] || []; channels[id].push(this); this._name = channel; this._id = id; this._closed = false; this._mc = new MessageChannel(); this._mc.port1.start(); this._mc.port2.start(); global.addEventListener('storage', function(e) { if (e.storageArea !== global.localStorage) return; if (e.newValue === null) return; if (e.key.substring(0, id.length) !== id) return; var data = JSON.parse(e.newValue); $this._mc.port2.postMessage(data); }); } BroadcastChannel.prototype = { // BroadcastChannel API get name() { return this._name; }, postMessage: function(message) { var $this = this; if (this._closed) { var e = new Error(); e.name = 'InvalidStateError'; throw e; } var value = JSON.stringify(message); // Broadcast to other contexts via storage events... var key = this._id + String(Date.now()) + '$' + String(Math.random()); global.localStorage.setItem(key, value); setTimeout(function() { global.localStorage.removeItem(key); }, 500); // Broadcast to current context via ports channels[this._id].forEach(function(bc) { if (bc === $this) return; bc._mc.port2.postMessage(JSON.parse(value)); }); }, close: function() { if (this._closed) return; this._closed = true; this._mc.port1.close(); this._mc.port2.close(); var index = channels[this._id].indexOf(this); channels[this._id].splice(index, 1); }, // EventTarget API get onmessage() { return this._mc.port1.onmessage; }, set onmessage(value) { this._mc.port1.onmessage = value; }, addEventListener: function(type, listener /*, useCapture*/) { return this._mc.port1.addEventListener.apply(this._mc.port1, arguments); }, removeEventListener: function(type, listener /*, useCapture*/) { return this._mc.port1.removeEventListener.apply(this._mc.port1, arguments); }, dispatchEvent: function(event) { return this._mc.port1.dispatchEvent.apply(this._mc.port1, arguments); } }; if (global.BroadcastChannel) { console.log("already has native BroadcastChannel"); } else { global.BroadcastChannel = BroadcastChannel; console.log("use polyfill for BroadcastChannel"); } }(window.top));